Chapter 8 - head in the game

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Youngbin and Alex had kissed on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Youngbin was on a school trip, on Thursday, Alex was busy helping out a friend, and on Friday, Youngbin had an exam that took up most of his school day, including the lunch break. And so it was Saturday, and Youngbin hadn't seen his supposed boyfriend since Tuesday. And though he wasn't completely sure about how exactly relationships worked, he felt like maybe this wasn't the way. Especially when it was supposed to be a public relationship.

That's why something within Youngbin felt a lot lighter when he saw a text from Alex. Well, at least it was one of the reasons. Another one being that it was Saturday afternoon, Youngbins least favourite time of the week, because it was the perfect time to get bored and start overthinking.

» whats up «

It was a short message, simple, nonthreatening, nondescript.

» Nothing at all actually «

» damn

you free rn? «

Oh, if there was one thing Youngbin was right now, it'd be free.

» I guess

Do you need something? «

» about to head to basketball practice

you wanna come along? «

» You play basketball? Didn't know that «

» not a big deal tbh were pretty unserious about it lol

BUT i thought u might wanna tag along bc

we got a biiig audience «

» Big audience you say? «

» yeaaa i knew thatd get u ;P

meet me at school and we can walk the rest together «

What a saving grace. Youngbin rolled out of bed, stumbled up and looked at himself in the mirror. His reflection wasn't the first thing that would catch his eye though, rather the dirt and dust on its surface. Perhaps he should clean it, he thought, and ignored the tired face looking back at him.

He grabbed his phone and jean jacket, slipped out of his room and quickly hopped down the stairs, then stuck his head through the living room door. Youngbin's father had taken the same place as he always did, sitting in his dark green armchair with a book in his hands that he had read a thousand times already.

"Dad? Is it okay if I go meet up with a friend?" Of course, Youngbin was 18 years old and could do whatever he wanted. And yet, going somewhere, anywhere, without asking first felt like a crime to him.

"Sure." His father didn't look up from the book, but a warm yet barely noticeable smile appeared on his lips. "Are you seeing Kaya?"

"Well- No, it's-" Youngbin hesitated. "He's a friend from school." He's my boyfriend, is what he could've said.

"Ah. Do I know him?"


"I see. Have fun."

Youngbin waited for another response, but his father had already lost himself in his book again. Perhaps he had hoped for another question, a bit more curiosity, a reason to say it, to say 'I'm seeing my boyfriend'. But, nothing followed. Part of Youngbin took it as a blessing, the successful evasion of having to tell the truth. And yet, something inside of his chest was bubbling up, waiting to spill out.

Not yet, though. It'd have to wait and simmer for a little longer.


A bus ride to school usually took 11 minutes. Rosebury didn't have much, but it did have decent bus lines. Except that the bus to school didn't come on Saturdays, and remembering this took Youngbin around 19 minutes of standing at the bus stop and waiting, which also happened to be the amount of time it usually took him to get to school by bike.

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