Chapter 3: Reunited

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Evelyn woke up to the sun shinning on her face. She somehow felt even more sadness and dread than she did yesterday waking up. 

"Good morning," Topper said behind the girl.

Evelyn groaned as she pulled the blanket up over her face.

"Well maybe not good," Topper joked.

"I don't think I've had a good morning in a few months," Evelyn admitted as she pulled the blanket down form her face and rolled over to face Topper.

"At least your parents will be back today," Topper said.

"I honestly don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing," Evelyn said.

"What do you mean?" Topper asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see them. But I just know when they come back they're gonna act one of two ways. They'll either treat my like I'm some fragile little girl who's puppy just died and suffocate me or they will act like I just need to move on and get over it," Evelyn said, "I mean they didn't even know John B, they never took the time to know him or any of my Pogue friends."

"Your parents may not have like John B or any of them but I think they understand that you were close with them," Topper said, "If it makes you feel any better I can come with you for when they get home."

"Would you?" Evelyn questioned.

"Sure," Topper said, "What are friend for."

Friends. Right. 

Evelyn was hoping that things wouldn't be awkward between her and Topper after what happened. Now that JJ hated her, Topper was really all she had. Sure there was still Kie and Pope, but JJ needed them right now. She wasn't going to be selfish and take away his two friends when he had just lost his best friend.

"Listen, Top, about the other night," Evelyn said wanting to clear the air.

"We don't have to talk about it," Topper said.

"I think if we're gonna go back to our normal friendship then we do," Evelyn said.

"All right," Topper agreed.

"So first I want to say that I don't regret it happening and I hope you don't either. I had so many thoughts and emotions in my head at the time and I just wanted to shut them out. I guess in a way I kind of used you and I want to say I'm sorry about that," Evelyn said, "I hope this doesn't mess up whatever we have going on here."

"I don't regret it either. And you shouldn't be sorry. I knew where your head was and it wasn't right of me to let it happen, I should have stopped you," Topper said.

"I think you and I both know there was no stopping me," Evelyn said.

"Regardless I could have tried a little harder to stop you," Topper said.

"Why didn't you?" Evelyn asked curiously.

"I guess part of me wanted it to happen," Topper admitted after some silence, "I don't know I feel like you and I have had this weird thing between us since the kiss."

Evelyn knew exactly what Topper was talking about. She had convinced herself that the kiss between her and Topper was weird but maybe that was because she was in a weird place with JJ at the time. The kiss and sex weren't bad at all, there was just always something in the back of her mind telling her it was wrong. But now that JJ hated her and probably never wanted to talk to her again, maybe she should try and give her and Topper a chance...that is if he wanted to.

"I know what you mean," Evelyn said, "I don't think I just had sex with you because I was trying to push away my feelings. I think a part of me wanted to as well. If I'm being completely honest I think JJ was always in the back of my mind, even when we kissed. Now he'll probably never talk to me again."

"So where does that leave us?" Topper asked.

"I don't know," Evelyn admitted.

"Well I think we should just take things slow, rebuild our friendship and see how it goes," Topper said, "You've been through a lot this summer, you should just try and focus on yourself."

"Right, focus on myself," Evelyn whispered.


Evelyn's parents texted that they would be home within the hour so her and Topper decided to head to her house. She hadn't stepped foot in the house since her parents left on their trip so she was anxious to make sure everything was how they left it. Thankfully when they arrived everything was exactly the way it was left and no one had broken into the house.

Her and Topper were now in the kitchen and Evelyn was going through the fridge trying to find something to eat. She pulled out the milk and walked over to the cabinet to grab out a box of cereal as Topper grabbed two bowls. They two hadn't talked a whole lot this morning after their conversation. Evelyn liked the quiet, but she also like that Topper was there because she didn't want to be alone.

The front door clicked open making her body go stiff. Her parents were home and she didn't know if she was prepared for how they would treat her.

"You ready?" Topper whispered.

"," Evelyn said.

Topper reached over and grabbed they girls hand giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hun!" Allison yelled.

"We're in the kitchen," Topper replied which Evelyn was grateful for.

Footsteps echoed down the hall as they got closer Evelyn turned around. Her mother stopped in the doorway, tears in her eyes. As soon as she saw her mom, every worry that was in her head disappeared. 

"Hi mom," Evelyn said.

Allison ran toward her daughter pulling her into a hug. Evelyn felt tears run down her face as her mom held her.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Allison whispered into her daughters ear.

Evelyn pulled away from her mom as she saw her dad walk into the kitchen.

"Hi honey," Jake said.

"Dad," Evelyn cried as she ran up and pulled him into a hug.

More tears fell as her dad held her tightly to his chest. In this moment Evelyn didn't care how her parents treated her in regards to John B passing, she was just glad to have them home. Sure they had many ups and down throughout the years, especially when it came to the topic of the Pogues. But Evelyn knew her parents would always be there for her no matter what.

She pulled back from her dad and looked up at him, "I'm so glad you guys are home."

"We're glad to be home," Jake said.

"Honey I am so sorry we weren't here," Allison said walking up to her daughter, "You shouldn't have had to go through that alone."

"It's all right mom. How were you guys supposed to know what was going to happen," Evelyn said, "Plus I wasn't alone."

Evelyn glanced back at Topper who was standing next to the counter. 

"Thank you, Topper," Allison said walking up to the boy and pulling him into a hug.

"It really was no trouble," Topper said.

"Thank you for taking care of our babygirl while we were away," Jake said walking toward Topper.

"Anytime," Topper smiled.

Ahhhh, I am getting so excited to write this book! Season 3 comes out on Thursday and my sister and I are going to have a binge marathon on Friday or Saturday. I am anxious to see what's going to happen in season 3 because that might alter what happens in this book.

 I wanna hear what you guys think/want to happen in season 3!

I also want to hear wether you think Evelyn should be with JJ or Topper? 🤔

Sound off in the comments!!


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