Chapter 24: This Is A Dime

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Hey y'all, long time no see! 😅
I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in so long. But now that it's officially summer I will be able to update more and finish it!
Thank you all for your continued support and reading my story 💛

"He deserved it, right?" JJ asked.

"Are you joking?" Kie asked, "Of course he deserved it."

"I've never seen anyone blow themselves up like that," Pope said.

"Cross that one off the bucket list," JJ said.

"JJ!" Evelyn said slapping the boys arm, "We still have a friend who's hurting."

Kie moved from her spot next to Evelyn and walk down to sit next to John B who was laying on the HMS Pogue. He hadn't said much since Ward's death.

"Sucks for Sarah," JJ agreed.

"I'm worried about her," Evelyn whispered looking down at the water.


Evelyn laid on the hammock outside with her eyes closed. The warm summer sun shining down on her face.

"Hey," JJ said walking up beside her making her eyes open.

"Hey," Evelyn said.

"Got room for one more?" JJ asked.

"Sure," Evelyn said looking at the boy and scooting over.

JJ silently climbed onto the hammock laying the same way as Evelyn. Her gaze fell back to the tree above them as they laid there in silence.

"Penny for your thoughts?" JJ asked.

Evelyn glanced over at him, a small laugh falling from her lips as he held out a coin. She grabbed it from his hand looking down at it.

"This is a dime, not a penny," Evelyn said.

"It's the only coin I could find," JJ said making Evelyn laugh, "Does that mean you wont tell me what going through that pretty head of yours?"

Evelyn blushed slightly playing with the dime in her hand.

"I'm just worried about Sarah," Evelyn admitted looking at JJ, "Yeah Ward was a bad guy and he did some horrible things but it's still her dad, ya know? I guess I'm just worried because she's not here with us"

"Sarah will come around eventually. She probably just need some time alone right now," JJ said.

"You're right," Evelyn said.

"Anything else on your mind?" JJ asked.

Evelyn turned back to the dime in her hand and started flipping it with her fingers.

"Come on E," JJ said bumping her with his shoulder lightly, "You can talk to me."

"I guess watching that happen to Sarah's dad really put the situation with my parents in perspective. I get that they're mad at me and I did a lot of things I shouldn't have but they just kicked me out of the house. You should have seen the look on my dad's face. I've never seen him so angry," Evelyn said a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Hey," JJ said wiping the tear and turning her face to look at him, "You and your parents will make up. I know it. This will all eventually blow over."

JJ pulled Evelyn into a hug as she sniffled and more tear ran down her face.

"I just feel like I've messed everything up," Evelyn said, "It feels like everyone in my life is leaving me and it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault," JJ said, "We're all going through rough times right now. I know everything will work out for the better in the end. Plus, you'll always have me."

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