Chapter 27 The Island Room

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Guys...I know I suck and I haven't been updating, I'm sorry! But I am gonna write a few chapter today hopefully. Thank you so much for reading this story 💛


"Would you guys shut up," Evenly groaned, "My head is killing me."

"You shouldn't have drank so much last night princess," JJ smirked at the girl.

"Get away from me," Evelyn groaned.

"Well, hello, princess," JJ said.

"JJ I said-"

Evelyn looked over to see Sarah walking through the door.

"What's up?" Kie asked.

"Shouldn't you be on Figure Eight with your little group of polo players?" John B asked, "Or did you breakup with Topper?"

"We're just friends," Sarah replied.

"He's just a friend," John B said, "You've got a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron."

"Yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own too," Sarah said.

"All right. What are you doing here?" John B asked.

"I'm here for Pope," Sarah said turning to the boy, "I think I found the island room."

Evelyn sat up from her laying position on the couch looking over at her friend. If Sarah had found the island room, that meant they were even closer to finding the cross.


"Guys listen to this," Pope said, "The diary said the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior."

"So wait, he's saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?" Kie asked.

"Yeah. It said the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady," Pope said.

"Mmm, yeah. 'If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.'," JJ quoted making everyone look at him.

"You know that?" Evelyn questioned.

"I went to Sunday school. Didn't you?" JJ asked.

"Well yeah but...never mind, that's not important," Evelyn said.

"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad," Pope said, "She thinks it can heal her."

"What else does it say?" Kie asked.

"Many feel like we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God with strike His vengeance on us," Pope read.

"Thing is, God did have His vengeance," Kie said.

"He sent a Hurricane to sink the ship," Pope said, "Only Denmark survived."

The rest of the ride to Sarah's house was silent, all of the teen thinking about what all of this means.

"This place still freaks me out," John B said walking into the house.

"Yeah, same," JJ agreed.

Sarah opened the door to a room in her house as everyone followed, "Pope, look."

"Whoa! You've got to be kidding me," Pope said.

Evelyn looked around the room and saw several different paintings on the wall.

"Yeah. I know, right? It's the island room," Sarah smiled, "It's been here this whole time."

"No freaking way," John B said walking farther into the room.

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