Chapter 34: I Love You

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Evelyn had successfully gotten into the boatyard without getting caught. Now, she just needed to find John B and JJ. She ducked behind some big machinery to hide from some workers when she heard JJ's voice.

"JJ," Evelyn whispered scaring both boys who were standing there.

"You found us," JJ said.

"What's going on," Evelyn asked.

"There she is," John B said. Evelyn followed his eye line seeing Sarah be lead out of Rose's car

"Guys we gotta come up with a plan," John B said.

"I'm working on it," JJ said, "If we get over to that barge, we go over. We'll have to get into the water, though."

"That's fine," John B said.

"Then we're gonna be sitting ducks," Evelyn said.

"Howdy," Kie said making the three jump.

"Whoa! I was about to stab your eyes out," JJ said jabbing his two fingers forward.

"You looked scared as shit," Kie laughed.

"How'd you guys even find us? JJ asked.

"Geo-located your phone," Kie said.

"Smart," Evelyn said.

"You okay?" John B asked Pope, "What happened?"

Evelyn didn't exactly know what happened after she left but Pope was covered in mud.

"Rafe, round three," Pope said.

"What?" Evelyn asked wide-eyed.

"You freaking kidding me? Again?" JJ asked.

"This was a tie," Pope said.

"You good?" John B asked again.

"Is that the cross?" Pope asked nodding at a big box that was being lifted onto the boat.

"Yep," JJ said.

"They're holding Sarah hostage," John B said.

"We need to get on that boat," Kie said.

"First we gotta get past the goon squad," JJ said.

"Okay, let's move. Come on," John B said. Evelyn followed JJ, with Kie right behind her. She looked back to see Pope and John B talking to one another, not moving from where they had originally been standing.

"What are they doing?" Evelyn asked looking at Kie.

"Who knows," Kie said. Evelyn turned back toward JJ who was keeping an eye out so that they could get on the ship. Evelyn turned back to look at Kie who was still looking back at what John B said.

"J," Evelyn said, the boy humming in response, "J, look at me."

"What?" JJ asked looking at the girl.

"Whatever happens. I just want you to know that I love you," Evelyn said.

"I love you too," JJ said before turning back to look at the ship.

"No," Evelyn said putting her hand on his shoulder. JJ turned back around to the girl.

"I love you," she repeated. She could see the realization wash over JJ's face. They two had said I love you to one another before, but it had always been in a friend way.

"I love you too," JJ assured.

A loud explosion caught their attention. Evelyn turned to see a big fire a ways behind them.

"It's working," Kie said. Pope came running back over to the group.

"Pope, what was that?" John B asked.

"Look. That container's going on the ship," Pope said pointing to a container that was on the back of a truck, "We can get in that way. Are you with me?"

"You're a genius," John B said, "Hey, this way. Come on. Come on."

Evelyn took a deep breath before following JJ toward the truck.

"Wait. They're right there," JJ said glancing around the truck. Pope didn't think twice before climbing into the container.

"Whoa, whoa," JJ said, "Did you think this through?"

"Yes. This is the plan," Pope said.

"That's a trap right there," JJ said, "We can't get out once we get in."

"I know," Pope said.

"You guys don't have to come. Right?" John B said.

"Right," Pope agreed, "This is our fight."

"Yeah, right," John B said as Pope helped him up into the container.

"Nothing to lose?" JJ asked looking at the two girls beside him.

"Nothing to lose," they repeated.

Pope helped Kie up into the container. JJ climbed inside holding out his hand to help Evelyn climb inside.

"I guess this is better than boarding school," Evelyn mumbled.

The group walked all the way to the back of the counter, each of them hiding away. Evelyn only hope they wouldn't get caught. She held her breath as she heard voices beside the container.

"Okay. She's good to go. Lock her up," a man said. Evelyn looked around at her friends. How small the container was started to settle in when the doors closed. She did her best to take deep breaths. An engine roared as the truck they were on started to move.

"We gotta be on the dock now," JJ said as the truck stopped.

Loud noises and creaking made Pope stand from his hiding spot, "What's that?

The container started moving throwing everyone around. Evelyn fell forward into JJ.

"I gotcha," JJ said wrapping his arm around her waist.

The group heard more voices as the container hit the ground throwing them all around again.

"We made it," JJ said making the group shush him

"Be quiet JJ," Kie said.

John B stood from where he was sitting, dropping back down immediately as a loud thud hit the side of the container.

"What? What was that?" JJ asked. John B pressed his body up against the wall of the container getting away from the window.

Hey guys,

Sorry, this chapter is way shorter than usual. This was the end of episode 9 so I decided to just cut it off there. One episode left to go!!


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