- Chapter 12 -

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Scar patted Jellie between the ears. He smiled. Since Grian, nothing exciting had really happened.

Scar set Jellie on the bed and went to help clean up the broken glass. He lifted up a shard of it to put it in the paper bag, but his fingers slipped and cut the palm of his hand. Scar yelped in pain. Cub was at his side insistently, asking panicked questions.

"Cub! I'm okay, It's just a small cut! See?" Scar explained, showing Cub his sliced palm.

Cub sighed and facepalmed. There was a moment of silence.

"Y'know, something really dramatic should've happened right now." Scar said. Cub nodded.

"Like a scream or something," He agreed.

"Or- JELLIE!" Scar scrambled to his feet to catch his cat, who was being chased by the smallest wolf. "BAD DOG!" Scar kicked the dog away and hugged Jellie close. 

"HEY!" Stacy ran up to her wolf and glared at Scar. "Don't kick Wink, he was just having fun!"

"Chasing down MY CAT is fun?!" Scar glared back.

"Kicking MY WOLF is fun?!"

Scar narrowed his eyes. He held Jellie to his chest. 

Cub reached a hand forward to pat him on the back, but drew it back quickly when he felt a radiating heat coming from Scar. Translucent red vines made of magic came through the floors, creating a circle around Cub's friend.

"S-Scar?" Cub stammered. Scar turned to him. His forest-green eyes were red. 

"Yes Cub?" He asked back in a soft voice, tilting his head and grinning evily.

"A-Are you- okay?"

"Oh, me?" Scar's grin became somehow wider. "I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?"

Someone made a bird noise, and everyone ducked behind the beds. 

Jellie ran away from Scar, hiding under one of the beds. The small wolf joined her, and they both stared, wide-eyed at Scar.

Cub took a couple of steps back. The room exploded into bright red light, and when it faded, Scar was floating in the air. 

"Scar?- Scar? Are you sure your okay..?" Cub asked, nervous.

"I am perfectly fine." Scar said. "It's you you should be worried about."

A bolt of light crashed through the ceiling and connected with False's now airborne sword. She lowered it a bit. The blade was glowing brightly, and it was burning hot. False raised it to face Scar. Scar summoned a shield of red cactus to block the sword's attack. The cacti exploded on impact. Cub was thrown backwards. His head hit the window behind him and he felt himself slip out of the mansion. He hit the ground and everything went black.

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