- Chapter 13 -

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Ren wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as he placed a few blocks on his build. Doc landed on the platform behind him with a soft thump.

"Ren," He said. His accented voice sounded worried.

"Doc?" Ren turned to face Doc, confused and nervous. "What... is it?"

"Beam of light. Look, see?" Doc pointed at a flashing blue lightning bolt in the distance.

"Weird," Ren murmured. He quickly pulled out a phone and sent a message to the last few hermits remaining: Keralis, Beef, xB, Impulse, Zedaph, Tango, Wels and Jevin. 

Ren: Something weird in the sky. Keep an eye out for anything strange plz.

Impulse: Got it!

Zedaph, Tango, Jevin and 3 others are typing...

Ren breathed a sigh of relief. "If the light comes again, we'll go check it out for ourselves," He said to Doc. Ren turned and began to work again.

Gem watched in horror as Cub slid out of the window. "He can't fall from that high!" She gasped. She held onto her brother in a hug, then let go and went to the window. She cut her hand on the glass and lost her balance. She was about to fall out of the window when Pearl grabbed her arm and pulled Gem back. 

"B-but- Cub-" Gem struggled to get to the window again.

"Gem- Gem, no!" Pearl pulled her friend back so they both tumbled away from the window and into Scar, who had landed and now fell down.

"Pearl- let- go-!" Gem got one hand free and reached towards the shattered window. Pearl reached for it but stopped when Gem glared at her with an edge of red in her eyes.

"Gem, please, you'll get yourself killed!"

"I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" Gem snapped. Her eyes were fully red, but she looked in control of herself. Tears streamed down her face. "I'M NOT LETTING ANOTHER PERSON DIE!"Gem disappeared into thin air.

FWhip rushed to the window and looked out. Far below, he could see his sister struggling to lift Cub. The two disappeared again, and re-appeared in the attic. When FWhip tried to approach his twin, she just shook her head and said, "I need some time alone." Gem got up and left the attic.

Pearl and FWhip shared a look. The two followed Gem out of the room.

Gem felt... angry. She seethed with fury as she walked down the hallway, completely ignoring the kitchen. Finally, Gem reached the Dining Hall and went inside of it. This was where it had all started. One year ago. One year of being trapped inside a mansion. One year of blood and death. One year of torture.

"Gem? You good?" Gem turned at the voice. Pearl and FWhip stood in the doorway, looking concerned. Gem felt her eyes fill with tears and she looked away. FWhip hugged her tight.

Pearl made a soft "ahem" noise. "Gem? I- I know what's controlling you..." She said.

Gem snapped her head up. "Who? What? Please, Pearl, tell me!"

"Y-you won't like it..."

"Who is it?"

"It's-" Pearl took a deep breath. "Gem... it's Xornoth."

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