A week later

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Do a week has past and I still haven't made any real friends. The only friend I have at the moment is Kai but I don't know where we stand really. We have a lot of classes together, and sit next to each other a quite often but I don't know.
I had sport outside 1st with Kai, Seth,Adam, Harvey, Amy and Brittany along with a few others that I haven't met yet.
We were playing volleyball, this is the sport that I hated with all my heart. Every time I actually try and play this game I end up getting smashed in the face or injure myself somehow. We got split into teams by the teacher and start to play. Kai and Seth were on the opposite team but I had Harvey and Adam so I was all good.
A girl on the opposite team named Bri jumped up and smashed the ball into my stomach, i ended up on the ground for a while because she is so strong. Kai and Harvey were the first people to see if I was okay then the teacher followed " oh my god Avery, are you okay? " Kai said with a concerned expression.
" Yep I'm okay, totally not dying here "
I said sarcastically. Kai sighed with relief and helped me up.
The teacher said that I had to sit out which was totally fine by me.
Sport and 2nd period went way to fast and I couldn't believe that it was already recess. So I sat where I normally did, are what I normally ate which is healthy food and minded my own business. I saw Amy, Bri and Brittany looking over thee shoulders and laughing at me, so I got up and confronted them.
" what are you bitches laughing at? " I asked
" None of your business, don't you have to go see your mommy's grave, or something?" Amy said
I was full of rage and anger and I couldn't help myself, I punched her in the eye and nose. her nose started to bleed and her left eye started to swell up and bruise.
" If you ever talk shit about me or my mum I'll do a lot more than just punch you, okay? " I said with anger
" Pffft... whatever " she replied and her posy left.
The bell rang for 3rd period and I had art, so I went to the art room and sat down. Not long after Kai walked in and sat next to me.
"I saw what you did to Amy, thank you she needed that" he said
" *giggle* no problem I needed to get my anger out and she's the right person, I guess " I say.
I look at Seth and Seth looks at me and nods, I don't know what the nod meant, but I'll ask him later on.
4th period was history and Kai had the same so we walked to class together.
We were sitting next to each other and my skirt went up a little further than I wanted it to and you could see my scars
" What are they from ? " Kai asked
" Um nothing " I replied and pulled my skirt back down. The history lesson was quite interesting, we learnt how vampires and demons aren't real.
Kai seemed to tense up that period but I just chose to ignore it.
Then at lunch I saw how all the skinny girls weren't eating. I know that I have anorexia but I still feel fat compared to them, so I didn't eat at lunch.
5th and 6th period was double geography and I only had Seth and Harvey in my class and the rest were all bitches. I sat in a 3 seater row with the boys and we talked about Kai the whole time.
" Kai likes you Avery, did you know that?" Seth said with a grin
" yer all he ever talks about is you ever since you came here" Agreed Harvey
" Really?, I thought that he would go for someone better " I said sadly
" In his eyes you're Breyer than anyone else " said Seth in a calm manner.
The whole 2 periods I couldn't stop thinking about what the guys said which made time fly by and before I knew it it was home time.
I was walking home when Kai and Adam decided to walk with me. " Do you live far from here ?" Asked Adam
" Just up the hill " I reply with a smile
The walk home was silent but it was the best time I have had since I have moved here. We said our goodbyes and I walked inside the door of my house. All I heard ass screaming and fighting. My dad and step mum we yelling at each other. I tried to brake it up, but my dad was to angry and started to hurt me, yelling at me saying " it's all your fault, she would still be alive if you weren't born, you ruined everything, and you know it!" I got up off the floor and ran to my room and started to ball my eyes out, once again

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