My scars

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" They're from.......when I had very bad depression at the age of 13 and 14. My dad blamed mums death on me saying that if I wasn't born then she wouldn't have died not know that it was really his fault. Everyday i would cry over what he would say and I didn't know what to do or how to cope with it. I don't tell many people about it because I'm afraid I would be treated differently"
" Oh okay, I feel bad now that I pressured you into telling me"
"It's fine I was going to tell you anyway, but you just made it easier for the story to come out" I replied
Kai didn't answer back for awhile and I was a bit concerned that he would be more cautious around me, I don't want that at all.
The next day was Monday and Kai and I walked to school. He hardly said a word to me so I had to start the conversations.
" So, about yesterday, you're not going to treat me any different now, are you?"
" No, i just do t want you to have depression anymore"
" I won't Kai, that was the past and I don't think that my dad will me hurting me anymore, because he is gone" I say sadly.
" I'm sorry about your loss and I hope that you won't have to put up with the pain anymore"
" Thank you babe" I say softly.
Today happened to be a very good day for me. We got most of our exam results back. I think that I went pretty well. I got over 70% in all of them. Kai got over 80% in all of the exams and he just had to rub it in my face. But I do t care I was pretty impressed.
That afternoon when Kai, Seth, Adam,harvey and myself were walking home Kai told the boys to walk a little bit behind us so we could talk in privet.
" I will try my absolute hardest to make you feel like the only girl in the world, I will try to make you smile everyday, and try and make you stay happy forever" said Kai
" That's so cute but as long as I'm with you I will always be happy" I replied.
After that we split up and went to our houses.
I had mixed methinks today, happy, nervous and sad but at the end of the day I have a big smile on my face and that's all that matters right now. I'm not worried about future I'm just enjoying what I have. I have the best boyfriend in the world and I'm happy, I have a few good friends and I'm grateful.

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