Not waking up

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It's been 15 days since the accident and Kai hasn't awoken. Avery has been sitting, sleeping, eating beside Kai. She hasn't left his side. Her depression has come back after all these years.
" No, this is about Kai " Avery said to herself. His heartbeat on the monitor in the hospital were running consistently. But then Avery's heart stopped....and so did Kai's. Avery shook him to try and wake him, but it was too late. Kai was lifeless. Avery started to ball her eyes out. Then broke a glass cup and started to slash her thighs and wrists.
The nurses came in and examined Kai. They looked at me with a sad expression on there faces. They dragged her out of the room. She fought to stay with Kai. The nurses see her cuts and say that I'm losing a lot of blood and need to go into a different room. " NO! I'm staying with Kai, I'm staying with Kai, I'm not going to leave him. I'm staying with Kai" Avery exclaimed.
She ran to Kai and kissed him on the forehead before getting picked up and carried away. She screamed and yelled as loud as she could. After a few minutes getting carried away she stopped her struggling and started to cry so heavily that she started to wheeze. The nurse put her down and gave her a hug while getting blood from her wrists and thighs all over her Clothes. Avery got her cuts bandaged and the nurses wanted to know if she would like to see Kai before he was sent away. " yes, please, let me see my baby boy, let me see my baby boy "
Half way through the sentence she started to get teary and cried. The nurses helped her over to Kai.
" he's so still....and lifeless. I wish it was me. He was so...c...close to me and I can't b...believe that he's d........d....." She started to sob heavier and louder. She fell to the ground In front of him and grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.
"baby.......I won't let go"

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