Chapter 8

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Okay! So I made them kiss... in the last chapter *squeals**fangirls* I don't want to update my last chapter so I'm putting this at the top of this chapter. I'm lazy. But! How do you like my story so far???
Jade: I hate it,
Me: you hate everything.
Jade: exactly.
Jade: Be Tori, maybe.
Me: o_0 ... ._. I can't though...
Jade: Too bad then.
Me: OH! Go play with your scissors.
*Later that day*
The bell rings signaling the end of the day. I can't stop thinking about the events of today. What would possess her to kiss me? But maybe it was just for the improv. I don't know. I mean we were supposed to be a couple... but what if it ment nothing. Ugh. I'm over thinking things.
I close my "let it shine" locker and start towards the schools front doors. When I'm about to open the door I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back. "Hey! Let me go!" I don't know who's dragging me, mostly because I'm being dragged backwards. I get thrown the janitors closet then I see someone step in and close the door.
Its pitch black in the closet so I can't see anything. "Who are you?" I say waiting for my eyes to adjust to the inky blackness that is the janitors closet. "Oh I don't know. Who's the only person who drags you into here?"
"What do you want Jade? I have somewhere to be." I lie.
"I just want to talk about today, about the improv." She says. "What is there to talk about? It was just an act we had to put on for the class."
Every word hurts more. If she hadn't pulled away so suddenly I would've kissed her back. But to her I'm just a good grade. What else should I think? She's done it to me before.
"TORI!" I zone back in. "Did you hear what I said?"
"Huh?" I say.
"Oh for Christ's sake."
I get pinned against the wall with her body pressing against mine. I can feel her shift her head lower. Her finger lifts my chin and I feel soft lips press against mine. My eyes flutter shut and I kiss back. The kiss is slow and tender and soft. Nothing like the play. It was fast. We break apart for air.
"I'll take that as a 'Yes' then?" I nod my head.
Well dang... I didn't know... Uhmmm... please review, I guess. *hugs readers* thanks for reading.

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