Chapter 19

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Darkness. That's all I see. Darkness. Swirling, twirling in all directions. No up. No down. There's nothing. It's just there. Vacant. Nothingness.
The only thing I feel is pain.
'What happened?' Is my only coherent thought. I don't remember anything. Ugh my head hurts. I can't move. That's a first. Looks like I'm stuck looking at this void of nothingness. Great.
I feel a presence to my left. The left side if my bed Is dipped down. If I could open my eyes I'd see who it was. But I can't. I can't open my eyes. I can't move my mouth. I can't move anything. I can just feel. And all I feel is pain. I can hardly breathe.
The question rings in my head again. 'What happened?'
This is all I want answered right now. I don't care who's beside me, their presence is a welcome, calm one. Its stupid, I know. But ugh. I just want to be able to move, to talk... wait, I haven't tried talking yet. I try. I do. My brain just isn't processing what I'm trying to tell it. Instead of 'where am I?' What comes out is a groan of pain. I'm starting to see. I see the veins of my closed eyelids. I can hear. The beeping of a monitor and the soft sobs of someone beside me. I'm becoming more aware. I feel a warm hand in mine, our fingers intertwined.
I let out another groan. I feel the sobbing stop and the person lift their head up. "J-Jade?" They ask. I don't recognise her voice. I groan again in response.
I feel her hand leave mine. Why was she holding my hand? I hate being touched. Ugh. But there's only one exception. My boyfriend, Beck.
"She's awake. She's in here." There's that voice again. I feel like I know it. I just can't remember. "We'll let you two be alone. Take your time, Tori." I hear someone else say.
I hear the soles of shoes walking towards me. And I feel a dip in my bed.
It's hard but I do it. I open my eyes and Damn if it isn't bright. The fluorescent lighting burns my pupils. I blink hard a few times as I make out the shape of a person beside me. A girl. I feel like I've seen her before but I can't pin her down. Her dark brown hair is in a rushed pony tail, her coffee (man I want some right now) brown eyes baggy with sleep, her shirt wrinkled. She looks pitiful. I don't think she's slept in days.
"Hey." She whispers. Her voice is soft. Sweet. The question is, who is she?
She hands me water And I nod a thank you. I gulp it down, not understanding how thirsty I was until the cold liquid hit my lips.
"Thirsty huh?" She asks me.
I nod. "I-I have a question," I say to her, she nods and I proceed, "who are you?"

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