He Returns: Part Two

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Lots of things happen in this chapter so, get ready to throw your phone. Or tablet. Or laptop...hehe.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! What the fuck did I do?! Damn it! FUCK!
'Okay Jade, think. Think back to the two hours that got you into this.'
I look at a curled up Tori, streaks of what used to be her makeup. I think back to what made her like this. More like what actions.
'Okay... We were talking, then we got onto the subject of what we used to be...Then he
leaned in and... fuck!'

Two hours earlier...

"Hey, I'll be right back. You want a coffee, Jade?" Tori asks. The school day ended already and the usually busy hall way is now a ghost town.
"Yeah, two sugars." I say. She rolls her eyes. Of course my girlfriend knows how I like my coffee. "Okay. I, will be. Right back." She whispers the last part loudly. I roll my eyes and push her lightly. "Go on. You know how I get without coffee." She thinks about all the Times she's seen me without it, she shudders and nods. She gives me a quick peck on the lips before she goes. When she's gone I turn around to go to my locker. "Hey Jade?" Fuck. Beck comes around the corner looking like somethings bothering him.
"Yes Beck?" I ask. Earlier I promised Tori I'd try to be nice to him. Kinda reminds me of what Beck did when I met Tori. "Can we talk?" He asks. I can tell its important.
"No." I turn to go back to Tori's locker. He grabs my arm and I growl.
"Please, Jade, it's really important." He says. I yank my arm back and turn around, already inching my hands to my waist band where I keep my scissors.
"What?" I ask coldly.
"How come we weren't like you and Tori?"
"What do you mean by that?" I ask trying to find the quickest escape.
"I mean, why didn't you joke around when we were together like you do now with Tori?" No escape.
"Beck. I don't want to talk about this. You're the one who left me. You're the one who broke me down and tried to build me into what you wanted me to be. Tori didn't do that. She picked me up and put me back together. Accepting all my flaws and insecurities. You tried locking them away," I state this with anger but calm down a little, "If you truly wanted me, you wouldn't have tried to mold me like clay. You would have left me alone and marvel in my beauty. You wouldn't have tried to break down my walls, you would have climbed over them, and you wouldn't have questioned me on every little thin-" before I could finish my sentence he pins me against the wall and forces his lips to mine. I struggle until I lose the strength and kiss back, his lips were as soft as I remember. My hand tangles in his hair as I was about to push him away. But for a split second, I knew why we lasted so long. Why I used to love him.

I hear a gasp and drinks fall.
I push Beck off of me and see Tori. Her eyes are filled with betrayal and hurt. She shakes her head and and turns on her heel. I see her go through the school doors. But not before I see her wipe away a tear. Just seeing the tear breaks me. I've already started crumbling.

I turn to see Beck with a guilty look on his face. He looks at me, "I-I-" Before he could finish I punch him in his face. I hear and feel the cracking of his nose. When he crumbles to the ground I jump over him and run out of the Hollywood Arts main doors. I look around to see Tori driving out of the parking lot. I grab my keys out of my pocket happy for once I left my car at school. I run to my car and unlock my car door, tears already clouding my eyes.
Instead of chasing after her like I plan, I break down as the door to my car opens.
Why the fuck did I kiss back? Oh yeah, because I missed it. I missed him. But I don't love him, and I'm not in love with him. I love her. And I'll always be in love with her. But I messed it up.
I dry my tears, smearing my mascara. I get into my car and jam my keys into the ignition and pull on my seat belt. I pull out the parking lot going well over the speed limit. I arrive at the Vega house hold, surprisingly in one piece. Tori's Red ford is on the driveway. But no other cars. I walk up to her door but think twice as I turn and walk around the house, looking for the small foot holds in the house and the thick branch that over hangs her balcony. I climb the house, not caring if I'm heard. I jump to the branch and make my way over to her balcony. I land on it with a thud and open the door.
When I get in I see her crumpled on her bed, her body shaking.
I walk over to her bed and lay down beside her. She scoots away from me. I sigh and scoop her into my arms.
Instead of struggling like I thought she would, she clinches to my black shirt and Crys harder into it. I wrap my arms around her and start rocking her until her sobs subside. When they do she goes limp in my arms.
I hate seeing her like this. I've always hated seeing her like this. I hold her closer and a single, quiet word escapes her mouth.

Present time

I look at Tori. Just seeing her face and the mascara trails. Her eyes are red and puffy. I sigh and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. She moves slightly but settles back into her spot. I sigh again and unwrap my arms from around her. I get up and go to her balcony. Her door is slightly open and the breeze is cool.
I open the door and climb down the house. My car is sitting in the drive way. I open the door and put the key in the ignition.
I start the car and back out the drive way.
I know I should pull the car over when the tears start but I don't. I should have.
All I hear is a honking horn and the crunching of metal. The screeching of tires. Then nothing.
Cliff hanger. Hehe. I'm sorry I had to. Don't kill me please...

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