Chapter 25

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'This place is disgusting,' I think to myself, 'Definitely leaving some very creative negitive comments about this place... At least the food isn't horrible though.' I bring the sushi to my mouth almost dropping it.


"You can't think of one thing that you like about me?" I can hear disbelief in their voice. Well there is one thing. Should I say it? Probably not. I'll go with the next best thing. A sort of insult. Though not really considered one, "I like when you're sad." They huff in reply.

-End Flashback-

The chopsticks grip the sushi at last minute. What the fuck was that?Another memory? I guess. But the voice was obscured and distant, making it almost impossible to figure out who it belongs to... Oh well. Probably nothing important. I place the last piece of my sushi in my mouth, put the chopstick down, and push my plate away as I swallow my raw fish wrappen in rice and seaweed.

I see Tori squirming in her seat, most likely from her still damp pants, due to earliers water spill.

"You okay there Sunshine?" I ask in a heavy 1920's actress voice. I smirk, already knowing her reply as it comes tumbling out her mouth on instinct, "I dont talk like that!" She huffs in annoyance, "It's my pants. They're still damp." I smirk a little at her, 'Oh, I wonder why. NO! Bad Jade-'

"I have a pair of pants in my truck you might be able to fit." My thoughts are interupted by Beck who's pointing to the wall behind him with his thuumb over his shoulder. Tori nods and smiles at him. Why the fuck did she smile? "Thanks, that'd be great, Beck." I sulk quietly in my seat as Beck smiles and nods leaving the booth. I sip my water impatiently waiting to see what kind of "pants" he brings. Probably some kind of sleezy shorts. But what he comes back with is completely unexpected.

"Here," Beck says as he hands Tori a pair of sweat pants I relize to be mine, "they're Jades but I'm sure they'll fit you." He glances at me and I growl quietly. He can't just give my fucking stuff away like that! And to Vega!? I feel a ball of jealously curl in my stomach as their hands graze, Tori taking the sweat pants cautiously from him. "Thanks." She says quickly as i watch her retreat quickly to the bathroom.

When she comes back she's wearing the dark purple sweat pants instead of her light blue skinny jeans. Seriously though, how do people get them off? Better yet, how do they get them on? Is there like a shoe horn for pants...? Fuck. I really need to stop hanging out with Cat. Ditzy redhead.

I huff as Tori sits next to me, putting her folded damp skinny jeans on the floor. She picks up her last piece of sushi and finishes it off in one bite. Then she looks at me and opens her mouth. I cut her off before she can speak, "No," I say taking a sip of my water, watching as the lemon floats to the bottom of the cheap, hard plastic cup. God, I hate lemon. But I love to torture myself so, I take another sip grimacing at the flavor. I see Tori scowl and sip her drink. Damn. I thought she would put up a fight. So I groan and, reluctantly, give in. "What Vega?" I question and look at her. She smile triumphantly, "Yes Jade?" I roll my eyes and pick at my nails, "What did you wa-"

I'm cut off by the announcer of the place saying somethingover the karaoke speakers, "Ah, yes. Today is karaoke day, no? So we need some volunteers. Who wants to, hmm?" He asks to everyone. Me being me had to yell something. Right before Tori went up to volunteer I shout, "No one wants to do any karaoke, get lost bucky boy!" Tori glares at me, "Jade, just for that we're doing a duet." She says walking up to the, very offended looking, DJ. She doesn't have to look at the book before I hear her say, "T-305". She stands for a little longer and talks to the DJ.

"Jade," I hear Beck say, "you have to do it." I star at Beck fore a second before replying my tone fullof disdain, "No! Absolutely not! I'm not going up there with her." I glance at the perky latina who's now wearing a pair of my sweat pants. Jesus, they fit her better than they ever did me. "Come on, Jade," He groanes, "you might even, Gasp, have fun." I roll my eyes at Beck hiding the smile creeping onto my face. Perks of being a great actress. "Ugh," I say with feigned annoyance, "fine. If it'll get you off my back." I say just as Tori walks back to the table. "We're up in two more. Get your voice ready, cause we're blowing this place up," then I hear her mumble under her breath as I bring my water up to my mouth, "Like Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

I choke on ym water because Vega actually had the balls to say something like that. In a Japanese establishment might I add. As im coughing from my laughter the four across from me look at me like I'm crazy, and Vega looks horrified that someone heard her. I look at Vega and point, tying to regain my composure, "How- How long have I known her? Because I think I rubbed off a little too much." I laugh and stand patting Vega on the back, "That was a good one. Ballsy, but amazing." I laugh and walk to the bathroom just as Tori's face flushes from embarrasment. "What'd you say Chica?" I hear Andre ask and Tori saying she'd tell them later.

When I calm down from my laughterand face flushed from the laughing I had just done, I noticed the person leaving the stage and another take it. Good. We're next. "Time to 'blow this place up'." I tease Vega as i start laughing again. "It must have been a really morbid joke if it made Jade laugh this much." I heard Robbie say, and i give him a thumbs up to let him know he was right, cosidering I couldnt talk at the moment.

Finally the last of my laughter died down, I wipe away a single tear and look at Tori, "I don't know if that was a joke or just a remark, but you've gained good ground with me, Vega." She smiles at me and i go to my casual smirk, "All right! Some of us have heard them preform before, Jade West and Tori Vega singing T-305." The crowd cheered polietly . Tori and I walk to the stage. But.... there's something weird. 'This stage is familiar ..' I point out to myself. 'Why is it so familiar? An important place maybe.. still.. wait


I see myself walking around, singing into a microphone. I smirk as I push someones legs off the stool and I sit beside them.

-End Flashback-

I couldn't see a fucking face, it was too blurry and disorented... it seems so distant. FUCK! WHY CANT I REMEMBER!? I extract myself from my explosive thoughts for a song I swear I've heard before. I insistent 'Na NaNaNaNaNaNa Na', it gets annoying before the lyrics start.

Tori starts and, and I'm just awe struck, 'My god...' How have I never heard her sing? Her voice, it's beautiful. How her eyes sparkle and how her smile widens. I'm snapped out of my trance by cheering. Only now do I relize I was singing on auto piolet the entire time. I knew all of the words. And all the cues. 'I've sung this with her before..." I think to myself.

We looked at eachother, and when I looked at her and her brilliant smile, I don't know.. It just lit something inside me. Something that wanted out. I couldn't help myself. When I grabbed her hand, I don't know. It just felt... Right.

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