Chapter 11

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Her face is flushed and she's breathing heavily. I put my hand out to hand her up, praying she pulls me down again. She doesn't so I pull her up.
I smile at her and lace our fingers together and walk out the class.
~At lunch.~
I sit down with my salad. I see Andre sit down with an over filled taco.
Great it's taco day. Tori sits down beside me with nothing but a fork.
"You're not gonna eat?" I ask her. For some reason she doesn't really eat. Sometimes she'll get food and take a few bites from it. Sometimes she doesn't even eat.
"No, I am. I'm just waiting for the line to get shorter." I look at the line, and sure enough, the line is halfway around the school. "Oh, okay." I say.
She laughs and sticks her fork in my salad, and then puts her fork in her mouth. "Keep your mits to your self." I say and playfully smack her hand away when she trys to get another bite. She pouts and it's adorable.
I stick my fork in my salad and hold it to her mouth. "You just said I couldn't have any."
"Correction, I said 'keep your mits to yourself' I didn't say you couldn't have any." She smiles and opens her mouth with an "ahh". I shove the plastic fork into her mouth and laugh.
"What's so funny?" She asked me. I mimic the sound she made. "Shut it." She says while smiling.
I look at the taco truck and the line was noticeably shorter. She sees me looking at the line. "Come with me?" She asks. I give her a small smile and nod. "Sure." I say.
We both stand up and go to the truck.
When she gets her food we go back to the table. "HIIII!" Cat sits down right after us.
"Hey Cat." Tori says.
"What if tacos came from a different world but we didn't know it, and one day they rise up and take over the world? Wouldn't that be awesome? Getting taken over by giant tacos?."
"Uh, Cat. What are you talking about?" Tori asks.
"I don't know..." Cat trails off.
"Anyways," Tori says "isn't there a Northridge party tonight?"
"Yeah. There is. Why, you wanna go?" Rex asks Tori.
"No I over heard you talking to some people about it. I wanted to make sure."
"You know, all hotties are invited." Rex said.
"All right, thats it." I say and grab Rex. I get up and throw him across the highway.
"REX!" Robbie screames.
I smile and sit back down. "Was that necessary?" Robbie asks me.
"Yes. And next time you get him to say that, it's gonna be you." I say with a straight face.
"Damn. Okay." Robbie gets up and goes to the highway. He looks both ways then runs across to get Rex.

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