Chapter 7

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After she walks out I slump to the floor. Tears flow freely down my face, mascara chasing after it. Her words echo in my head, "If you think no one cares look at me..."
Like I don't already. I hear the lunch bell ring, signaling the end of lunch. I hear the chattering of people and the opening and closing of the decorated lockers. I wipe my eyes as the warning bell sounds. When I stand up I slump back down, not having the energy to stand. I try anyways. When I do stand I take small steps. I wipe my mascara away with my black shirt sleeve. The doors to the black box theatre open as Sikowitzs' class walks in. The bell rings when the last person gets in. "Ah! Jade!"
Great. The first person to get picked.
"Today you, Tori, and Beck will be doing an Improv. The scene is a female couple is stranded on an island from a horrific plane crash. Miraculously the island is inhabited. You will get 2 minutes to get into character and figure out which one is the rescuer. GO!"
Tory is the first one to speak, "So who's gonna be the rescuer?" Beck raises his hand.
"Okay, so it looks like it's me and Jade," she says flipping her hair, "who were in the crash."
"OKAY! Times up! Jade, Beck, Tori, onto the stage."
Beck goes onto the stage first and goes off to the side.
"Where are we?" Tori asks me with fear.
"I don't know."
"How are we going to get off this island? What if we need food, or water? What are we going to do?!" She asks with panic in her voice.
"Calm down, everything is gonna be okay."
"What if we die? What if we never get off this island?"
I grab her shoulders and pull her closer. Our lips touch just long enough for her to register. "Everything is going to be okay." When the kiss happens everybody gasps.
She doesn't know what to say she just nods her head. "Any body over here?!" Beck comes into the scene. "O-over here!" Tori studders. "Are you guys okay? Are you from the plane crash."
"Yeah!" I say.
"AND CUT! Great work Jade, the kiss looked just like you really were a couple! And Beck, great acting for being concerned. And Tori, you looked scared, like someone who's plane really crashed!"

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