Chapter 22

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Questions ring in my head. 'Who is Vega? Why is Vega here?'. I don't know her. But when she told me her name another popped into my head. Vega. then she asked me how I know her last name. I couldn't come up with a good answer, so I said the first snippy comment that came to my head. "What do you mean 'how do I remember'? I'm not stupid, We didn't just meet yesterday.' Its not a lie. I met her today. For a second time apparently.
She looks at me and nods. Look at Beck, who is apparently my ex, and wonder why Tori is here. "Why is Vega here anyway?" I ask him. I mean I don't even know her. He just shrugs and I look at Vega. She gives me a small smile as I smirk. Ugh I wish I could rember her. There's just something about her. I don't know what it is though. Ugh! I hate this freaking amnesia. Why can't I remember anything? It's annoying. Wait. Everything is annoying to me. Ugh. So bored.
I notice Beck and Vega having a stair down. Vega shakes her head as Beck mouths something. He looks at me And stands up, "I'm gonna go Jade. I have things to do." I nod and say "okay" And let him go. Vega groans when he leaves the room and sits in a chair beside the door. She puts her head in her hands, an internal conflict going on.
I sigh and watch the movie. When the credits roll I look back to Vega who is asleep in her chair. Her head is rolling behind her, her mouth slightly open. I let a small smile play at my lips as I listen to a small snore come from her. Her head rolls to the side and props on her shoulder. Her body leans forward. I count down from three. When I hit one I scream and she jumps and hits the ground. She groans and picks up her head. Her hair falls over her eyes and she blows it away. I chuckle at her as she glares at me. "What'd you do that for?" She says loudly. "Because.yo were going to fall anyway." I say smirking. She makes a noise between a growl and a groan as she gets up.
She sits in the chair beside the bed and I look at her with a raised eyebrow. She just shrugs and turns her attention to the TV, I laugh as she jumps at a murder scene in the movie that just started. I laugh at her reaction and she glares at me. I just look back to the movie. Soon she falls asleep soon after, leaning on the hospital bed.
The doctor comes in when the main character runs away safely.
"Ms. West," he starts off loudly, I glare at him and put a finger to my mouth, telling him to shut up, He understands and nods, "Ms. West, You should be able to be discharged in five to seven days. And please tell your friend visiting hours are over. She bit me last time I tried. She has basically been glued to your side since you got out of surgery." I give him a questioning look And he shows me the bite. Looms like it drew blood. Nice going Vega.
When the doctor leaves I let Tori sleep for ten more minutes. When the ten minutes are up I shake her. She groans the first time. When I shake her again she replies with, "five more minutes mom." I chuckle again and push her lightly. She sits up and groans. "Visiting hours are over. Good work by the way. The doctor is terrified of you." She smiles a little and stands up. "See you tomorrow?" I ask her. She nods telling me that she'll see me after school. We say our good byes and she leaves me feeling lonely.
I look at the clock on the wall, seeing that it's almost eleven. I turn off the TV and get out the bed, taking the little pole that my I.V is attached to, and turn the lights off. Then I get back into it. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.
The six days goes by fast. With Tori and others coming to visit me. I'm starting to warm up to Vega. She visits me from almost four o'clock to ten o'clock. I don't know why she visits so often. Its weird but I enjoy her company.
Today I'm supposed to be discharged. I get my papers and leave.
"Jade," I hear someone yell my name and I turn around to see Vega walking towards me, "you're going to need a ride." She jingles her car keys for emphasis.

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