Chapter 26

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AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I've been gone so long. I really have no excuse as to why I have been gone for over a year. Frankly, I've just been unmotivated to update any of my stories. Not to mention I'll be a senior this year and shit is going to go down. But, I felt like I owed you guys an apology in the form of an update. This will be a rather long chapter, but that is because I have to decided to end it here, I am sorry for any of you who wanted a few more chapters. I have been trying to figure out a way to end it and I believe you readers will be quite pleased with it. I may or may not continue with 'Funny Things' but I will, however, keep my oneshots going for as long as I have inspiration and Ideas. This chapter, as you will soon find out, is switched to Third Person Point of View. I find it easier to convey details and the emotion needed to make people weep, (at least it has that effect on me *^* You may also notice How much I have grown as a writer). Any way, let the story commence and a (maybe) Happy Ending await!  

-No Ones POV-

~Three Months Later~

Three months. It had been three months since Jade and Tori had sung that song in the sushi restaurant. Three months since Jade began to get her memories back in the form of dreams and a variety of other ways. Three months since she had held Tori's hand and something had just clicked. But it had only been a matter of hours since she had remembered the most important thing. The thing that made her Jade West. One thing she could never want to forget (but she had). And that was that she was in love with Victoria Vega. Irrevocably madly in love with her.

It had come to her, much like her other memories, in a dream. The dream consisted of all their time spent together. All their memories piled into a single dream that Jade never wanted to end. From their first meeting to first time. Their first kiss to their last. Only when Jade had finally seen the youngest Vega's face had the dream ended. She had bolted upright in her bed in a cold sweat as if she had had a nightmare. But it hadn't been. Frankly, it had been one of the best dreams in her life. With a hand running through her hair Jade had picked up her phone and checked the time. 4:36 AM it read in bold numbers. She was tempted to call the woman of literally her dreams and tell her of the epiphany until it had occurred to her that this was something that would have to be done in person. So she planned. Planned up to the minute it was time for her to leave for school.

The day was sunny, much like all of Los Angeles. But oddly warm for a November day. As Jade drove she planned. And as she panned, doubts began to form. 'What if it actually was a dream and it wasn't Vega at all?' and 'If it wasn't a dream, does she still love me?' are only a few of the doubts that plagued her mind. But that wouldn't deter Jade from her path. If Tori had no clue what Jade was talking about, she would brush it off as nothing and just say that it was a dream. But if Tori knew exactly what Jade was talking about, well, Jade would be one happy girl. Of course she would want to ease into the relationship. Hold out on everything physical. It would be tough, but Jade was still recovering from the accident. Of course it would set the relationship back a bit, but Jade was sure that Tori would be more than understanding and would take everything in stride.

Jade pulls into the Holly Wood Arts parking lot at 8:15. By 8:17 she had a cup of Jet Brew coffee (courtesy of the small Jet Brew stand in the Asphalt Cafe). And by 8:20, she was at her locker. The painted black metal with various colorful scissors was soon opened and books were deposited. She had always admired her locker. Mostly because she did it in strife. Everyone said she wouldn't be able to do it with baby scissors their sole purpose was to only cut paper. Its dull tip couldn't pierce anything. Man, did she prove them wrong. After a bit, Jade looked down at her phone. 8:25. The bell would ring in less ten minutes and Jade had yet to catch a glimpse of the cheery brunette that had plagued her mind for the past three months.

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