Chapter 14

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"So Jade," says the annoying puppet named Rex, "how long have you and Tori been dating again?"
"About six months." I say not looking up from my salad.
"Okay. Have you guys, you know..." He went there. He fucking went there.
I stand up without a word and in one swift motion take him off Robbies hand and throw him across the Asphalt Cafe. "HEY!" Robbie yells as he gets up. I throw him a glare. He yelps and runs away to get Rex who landed in the trashcan on the other side. "Little perv." I say and sit back down and Tori, who just sat down, takes my hand and interlaces our fingers. "What did he do?" She asks.
"He asked again. Little perverted puppet." I say.
Robbie comes back with a garbage covered Rex. "Hey! What was that for?" Rex asks.
I look at Robbie with a glare and say, "if your puppet asks that again he's going into the incinerator." I say. Robbie audibly gulps.
"I'm not a puppet," says Rex, "hey Robbie, did you just pee?"
"Huh. No."
"Then why is my leg damp?"
Robbie automatically blushes in embarrassment. Everybody laughs except me.
"Is it just me or is Sikowitz getting weirder?" Tori asks. Everyone nods. First he didn't show up for class until it was half way over. Then he yells multiple things I didn't understand, then he assigned us a project. Then he dismissed class thirty minutes before it ended then left again. Our project was a little like Alphabetical improv. We have to write a script and preform it with five others.
The script had to contain at least fifty-two lines. You guessed it. We had to go over the alphabet twice.
I remember when Tori got me out on the first day.

"Lousey animals, kangaroos, they smell and look weird."
"Maybe they learned from you." There was a chorus of 'ohhhh's
She went there.
"Nobody talks to me like that."
"Obviously someone should."
"Please go jump in front of a bus." I say getting fed up with the new girls attitude.
"Quite obnoxious of you to say that."
"Sure is."
It went on for what felt like hours. Then when she got to C I lost it.
"Can't handle it?"
"Don't push me."
"Eat your pants." She says
"You eat your pants!" It's too late when I yell "WAIT!"
"Sorry Jade but the letter was-" I cut him off.
"F! I know!"

I look at her. And she smiles. I squeeze her hand and then unlace our fingers. She puts her hand on my knee and begins eating. About thirty minutes later we're back in Sikowitzs class.
In the class I think about how well our relationship is going. When I was dating Beck at about the fifth month everything started falling apart but we seemed to put it back together. Then Tori came into my life and the walls of our relationship came crumbling down. When I met Tori I became infatuated with her. And I swear, if it was possible to love two people at the same time, I did. When the last wall came down and we were done for good, she helped pick me back up. She's always been there when all my walls have come tumbling down. Shes seen me at my worst and my best. She broke down the what I thought was impenetrable walls around my heart.
Quote of the day
"When I met Tori I became infatuated with her. And I swear, if it was possible to love two people at the same time, I did."

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