Chapter 24

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I can't believe she actually agreed to lunch. That was a lot easier than I thought I wild have to get Cat to beg her... Well.
I get out the car at Jet Brew and go in ordering two coffees. Grabbing them I walk out and go back to the car and pull out, driving to the house I know so well.
I walk up to her door and before I can knock she opens the. I forgot she could do that. You know. Know when someone is at her house and open the door right before they knock.
I hold out the coffee and she takes it sipping it looking surprised. "How did you...?"
"Get the order right?" she nods and sips her coffee again. "We've known each other for a while. So I know. Lets go." I turn and walk to my car and get in while she's still baffled.
I put on my seat belt and wait for her to get in. When she does she puts her seatbelt on and goes back to stairing out the window.
"So..." I say awkwardly. "Have you remembered anything?"
"No not really. Just one thing and I doubt it happened. It was just a dream anyway." she shrugs and drinks her coffee.
"Wanna share?" I ask looking at her then back to the road. She shrugs and stays quiet as we pull into Nozu. "Maybe later." she says and takes her seat belt off getting out the car. I get out.
Jade follows me into Nozu and as I walk in I immediately find my friends. Cat's red hair gave it away. Walking over to them I sit and jump into the conversation.
"Hey guys." I say to Andre and Beck as Jade sits down beside me.
"Hey Tori." The two say in unison and go back into their conversation about cars. I huff quietly and look at the menu as the waiter comes by to take our orders. I give him mine with a huge smile and the group gives them his with matching smiles like mine. Well except for Jade. She gives he order with a glare and a scowl making the waiter cower and leave quickly.
When he comes back to give us our drinks he falters with Jades when he puts it on the table. Giving me mine, handing it to me he knocks Jades drink in my direction. As her water spills onto my lap I stand and Jade glares at the waiter. "Nice going butter fingers." she tells the waiter. "I'll get you towels." He tells me. I nod and walk to the restroom grabbing a handful of paper towels muttering under my breath. "Great. How can this week get any worse?" I mumble sarcastically. As soon as I finish, Jade walks in holding towels. "You know. You should really carry a spare of clothes in your car." She says handing me the towel. "No. What I need is a break. This week is killing me." I say, I think she knows what I mean because as soon as I say it her face falls and she nods. "It has been hasn't it?" she sighs quietly. I finish drying my pants the best I can and nod. "Come on," I say. "They're probably wondering where we wandered off to." I say walking to the door of the bathroom and pushing it open. Jade, like earlier, follows.
Hey sorry for not updating in a month and basically dropping from the face of the earth. I just have a lot going on. With finals and personal problems and all. Enjoy this little short filler chapter that I just finished.

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