Chapter 6-School

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

I was well aware that for the rest of my life, these 'things' would haunt me. Of course, naturally I felt afraid, hearing voices in your sounded cool when I was younger, but I was foolish then. After a few hours hearing them talk i got in the groove of things naturally, so I entered their conversation. What we were talking about was confidential so I rather not talk about it. 激怒-Gekido-which means rage, サイレント-Seirento-which means slient. Both of their same was the meaning of an emotion and an action. Those were their names of Yuji's brothers, and their names depicted their actions. Gekido is violent, crude and get made easily. Seirento is smart, intuitive and well, silent. Yuji was the most mysterious, he acted normal and his personality was average, there was nothing special about him at the time. While the moving guys got all my furniture I arranged it all then went to my new bed to rest. There were too many things on my mind at the time so honestly sleep is what I needed.....if Yuji and Gekido would shut up though I would have gotten a decent sleep.

The following morning I woke with them standing around my room. They looked like regular people but at the same time they had this strange omen. When they noticed I was awake only Yuji and Seirento told me good morning, I honestly didn't care though, they didn't matter to me. I walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast when I looked at the clock, it was only 5:32am, "wow it's early, maybe I'll just go back to sleep. Although, I'm having the strange suspicion that I'm forgetting something...oh whatever it's not like its important," I said to myself as I walked back to my room and sat on my bed, and It hit me, "wait a second, 5:32am?(I began thinking really hard) hold on, I have school to go to...bah school ain't gonna start I got time," I said as I rolled back into bed then out game the voice of Seirento, "it may be early but your entrance ceremony starts at 6am sharp." It took me a good 4 seconds to contemplate what Seirento said, then I jumped out of my bed and rushed to brush my teeth, spilling water and toothpaste all over the floor. "Seiju you do know you have 28 minutes, and you don't live far from the school," Yuji said, "yeah but I hate being late," I replied as I ran to the kitchen and chugged down a gallons worth of milk cause I couldn't bother to make food. I went back into my room and got dressed then sprinted my way to school. When I got there quite a few students were there, they were all staring at me while I was panting. I checked my watch to see how much time I had left and then I thought to myself, "it's only 5:37? It took me 5 minutes to get here??" "you were overreacting cause you 'hate being late' so at least your early," Yuji said as I sighed and made my way to nearby corner so no one could look, glimpse or talk to me and I didn't want anyone hogging my oxygen either. When the entrance ceremony started it was the most boring event I had been to in years. I fell asleep but Seirento Kindly held me from falling.

Then we all went inside, first years classrooms were on the second floor surprisingly and my class was 1-G. when I got inside the students were doing their own thing so I did what any anti-social person would do, I want in, didn't say good morning and picked a seat at the back right next to the window. Couple minutes later we were greeted by our homeroom teacher, then all the student had to introduce themselves and state their intentions and goals for being in the school.

The 4 people ahead of me(3 girls 1 guy) stated noble things, things of value, things worth contemplating, the classmates even clapped when the third girl spoke.(but I think its because of beauty and hold hair, guys like her and girls envy her) Now, It was my turn. I stood up, hands in my pocket, jacket un-buttoned and face so plain and barren cactuses would grow thinking it's a desert, "My name is Seiju Akari, the reason I'm here is...well I have no reason. I'm just here just to be here. I hate school, I had no intensions of coming here yet I hurried to arrive like some form of idiot. But the only redeeming factor about this place is at least I can learn a thing or two and watch you all fail at trying." I sat down after stated my claims, the class went silent, and they were all staring except this one girl beside me. After that the teacher stuttered a bit them moved on. When it was over everyone had a bit of free time till the next teacher came, and oh boy, I could feel the tension in this classroom. Almost everyone was giving me a mean look but I didn't care.

This one guy was approaching me, he looked pissed, his friend behind him was trying to stop him too. But, before he got to me, the girl beside me spoke first, "um, Akari-kun was it right?" she asked, "Seiju is fine no need for last names or honorifics," I replied hand on my chin while looking out the window, "Hey Daichi-chan don't talk to that asshole," the angry guy said but she didn't care, "alright, if I can call you Seiju then you call me by my first name too, its Kazumi. You may be a bit...different due to your little speech it ok if I ask to be your friend?" she asked as I suddenly gained a bit of interest as she smiled at me. She had short brown hair, brown eyes and a cute face. As far as I could tell she seemed alright, the other two though looked too average so I can't bother describing. With this I would gain my first set of high school friends, I must say, I was surprised.

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