Chapter 22-Encounter

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

New Narrator:  Seiju Akari


            An American dish? Red wine? That's some of the finest bullshit I have ever come up with. Thank god I healed my wounds using my powers, but it completely drained me out. Of course Kazumi cant know any of my secrets at least not yet. A few days past and Kazumi, Gizu and Hido visited me every day after they were done with school. We could just talk for hours until they all had to leave, I actually enjoyed being around them all. My brothers would call me occasionally and they weren't surprised I stopped going to school for a while. Beside the amount of people I had murdered my life was steadily becoming normal.


            The following day I went outside for walk around the city, why?

"going outside regular will keep a balanced lifestyle J,"

my step-mom would say, so for the first time I listened to her, and it's so bad. Suddenly while walking past a back alley, 8 guys walked out and surrounded me, then I realized next time I shouldn't listen to my step-mom, they said their 'boss' needed to see me, so in true dumbass fashion I accepted, I mean what's the worst that could happen. They took me down the back alley into a back door in a nearby building upon entering, the place smelt of dead and decaying flesh, of course I'm too familiar with that smell nowadays. In my mind I was picturing this extremely buff guy to be the boss, or some Yakuza Boss(Japanese gang leader) with katana ready to cut my head off, but when we arrived to furthest room what I saw was on my left and right piles of dead bodies, freshly murdered, and in the middle was a short, black pig tail and dress wearing, boot strutting little girl. She turns around and I see her adorable face covered in blood as her facial expression showed confusion...oh I forgot to mention, she's a loli (flat chested female).

"your boss is a loli...a fucking loli?? SERIOUSLY??! You brought me here to speak with a loli??" I said in anger and confusion as their leader said,

"shut up boy, speak out of turn and you will end up like the rest of the pile."

 I soon noticed this was no ordinary psycho little girl. Her voice was of a grown woman or a girl becoming 18, it was refined not high pitched, so as she said I became silent.

"you have been sent here for one reason and one reason only, we know your friends with a girl named Daichi Kazumi, we want to know.." she tried to say as I abruptly interrupted,

"I ain't tellin you shit."

 With that she went silent.

 "the tail is on your ass now is it," I said jokingly as she had a pissed expression on her face

"do you even know the situation you're in right now," she exclaimed,

"nope not at all, completely clueless," I replied smiling,

"so you're a smart ass are you. Do you see all the bodies around you, these were the people before you who failed to get me what I want," she stated,

"girl I don't even know what I should do yet," I said while inside I'm dying of laughter,

"CAUSE YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE TO ASK!" she shouted in anger as I couldn't hold in my laughter. "The hell are you laughing about," she asked staring down at while I laugh, I wiped the tear of laughter from my eye

As I responded, "oh you know I went to go take a walk then these guys just popped up out of nowhere from an alley way I didn't know even existed, then they go tell me their 'boss' wants to see and their 'boss' turns out to be a murderous loli with a temper and now she's asking me about my friend Kazumi, I mean how could I not laugh. Cause as far as I know I'm staring at a dead person."

"A dead person?" she asked,

 "yeah, which means if you don't tell me what a person like you wants with Kazumi you will be dead, very soon," I replied sending shock into everyone in the room except the boss loli,

"hmm, a cocky smartass are you, I like it. The reason why we want Kazumi is because she has a bounty on her head," the loli stated,

"a bounty? People still bounty hunt these days?" I asked as she nodded,

"of course, that's how I make a living, she has a bounty because she has something very valuable inside her, and our supplier wants it," she replied.

"Something inside her? What's that exactly?" I asked in confusion as she said,

"have you ever heard of Seratosis and Black Magic?(my eyes widen) Your facial expression shows that you do. Before her parents disappeared her father implanted it inside her but she's too weak and clueless to figure out how to use it. Plus as far as out Intel goes it hasn't reached her brain yet so even if she could use it, she can't."

 So many questions ran through my head at the time but the boss loli wasn't done talking.

 "we should have gotten her a long time ago but her 'protector' hid her away.(her protector? I thought) So what we want from you is to tell us her location."

I began chuckling, and that turned to intense sadistic laughter.

 "even if I did know where she was do you really think I would tell you? You guys must be idiots if you think going around grabbing people you think know Kazumi and asking where she is would work. Listen Loli I know you're about to make those scrubs behind me try and kill me so let me just do things my own way,"

as I said this I quickly thickened my aura and sharpened it as I swung behind me chopping off the heads of every man who stood there as turned back around to face this murderous loli, as she began blushing at the sight of me murdering her comrades,

 " are the one everyone's been talking about. You're the boy...who learned Seratosis(she grins widely and laughs). Just who are you boy."

"Seiju Akari, son of Mira and Kanzo Akari, and this is your last day on this earth," I stated as I pulled my knife out of a portal I created as she pulled out a needle and long a strand of thread as her words would engage our battle,

"Seiju...Akari, I'm Kurie Busujima and I think im falling for you."

"Falling for me?" I asked

"Yes" She replied with a smile "and you caused it" she finished in a tone too erotic for how she looked

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