Chapter 23-Battle of Strategy

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

Narrator-Unnamed Narrator-(the unnamed narrator is an unnoticed character who watches all the characters and knows all their tenderness, actions and thoughts. In sorts, he reads the story to the readers as if he's reading the Akumu Keihatsu story from a book with all its all the characters are with him to hear and watch him read so they might interrupt his readings here and there).

            Seiju and Kurie, fate had its hand on their meeting. They both stood in front of each other, Seiju weapon in hand, and kurie with strategy on her side. Seiju didn't know what he was getting himself into and he was about to find out.


 Seiju asked as he began to raise his eyebrow in confusion,

"the way you didn't hesitate kill my lackeys, throwing caution to the wind, your just like Zanju-sama, and oh how it turns me on(Kurie is 17),"

Kurie said with her face in a bright red as the strand of thread connected to the needle in her hand fell to the ground,

"turning whatever, who's Zanju-sama?"

Seiju asked but Kurie let of a smirk and said,

"in due time you will find out who he is."

 With this she began twirling like a pro ballerina as the thread around her spun around her creating a wild spiral. In an instant she stopped but the spinning thread continued thriving. She began to use the needle and swipe it around the area of the thread at unimaginable speeds. It was dazzling, so much so the result caught Seiju off guard, little did he know that this 'loli' as he calls her, was one of Black Magic's Demon king's apprentice, Kurie Busujima, 人形の魔女-The Doll Witch, Master of Voodoo Black Magic. Kurie stopped and out of the thread came two dolls, red colored due to the thread. She then plucked out one of her hairs and put it on top of one of the dolls. With her eyes closed and a wave of her hand the doll transformed into an exact replica of Kurie.

"Wow that was cool!" Seiju said "why am I praising the enemy?" he thought,

"thank you, it's my specialty, but I'm keeping the other doll for later(she looks into his eyes as facial demeanor changed drastically), ~WITH THAT I CAN DESTROY YOU WITH EASE~. I call that ability 'Accelerated creation'."

*Accelerated Creation-A Technique allowing Kurie to create voodoo dolls at lightning speed, and they weren't ordinary dolls either...*

Seiju stood stunned but not impressed, as Seirento appeared to provide support, he said,

 "Seiju, don't take her lightly, those might just be dolls made by common Voodoo, but I have odd feeling about them,"

Seiju replied with, "whether their ordinary or not there just voodoo dolls,"

"who are you talking to?" Kurie asked him,

"talkin' to the voices in my head," Seiju said with a plain face,


Kurie said to herself as she ignored the conversation. She took out a small bottle from her dress pocket, and poured it all over the doll as a wide blue aura form around both the doll and Kurie, when it disappeared her eyes turned full blue. Before Seiju could react, she was already behind him with her foot stretched out to kick him aimed straight for his head. Seiju noticed and quickly ducked but when he opened his eyes her foot with in front of his face. He was kicked back, hit off guard but he got back up quick. He looked forward, but didn't see Kurie, but he sensed her...below him. Taking advantage of her shortness she was already directly in front of Seiju, she began to launch a barrage of punches to his gut with her right hand(the hand that's not holding the doll).

"She's moving so fast I can't react. What the hell did she do to that doll,"

Seiju thought, as she jumped using her head to hit Seiju chin as he flew upwards, but he suddenly stopped in mid-air. When he looked down Kurie hand lifted her right hand and around it was a glaring blue aura,

"is she...controlling my body?" Seiju thought to himself,

"No shit man," Gekido said appearing out of the wall below Seiju,

"I expected more from you," Kurie said with a cocky expression as she continued, "maybe you were just all talk."

"hmph, she's right, I was talking too much, I was too cocky and now she's the one beating me," Seiju thought as Gekido followed,

"you're getting your ass beaten, and I'm curious of what your gonna do. But a word of advice, look around your environment and keep an eye on your opponent."

"My...Environment and my opponent. Why am I even fighting her in the first place anyway. Oh right, she wants info on Kazumi, she wants something from her. That would cause her a lot of trouble so...I guess I have to do something about it,"

Seiju thought as Kurie waved her hand down slamming Seiju into the ground on his back but he jumped up like it was nothing,

"wow you must have impeccable defense to get up so quickly," Kurie said as Seiju said to himself,

"my environment...and my opponent,"

"what are you mumble about," Kurie said as Seiju lifted his head up and stared her down with his cold dead green eyes. He looked left, right, up and down, he made a strategy. He began to thicken his aura, until after a while he said this,

 " 'Accelerated creation', hehe, sounds like a move out of manga.'re not the only one with special moves,"

he then chuckled as he waved his hands out and the thick aura shattered into tiny molecules all around the room

" 'Essence...'" Seiju was saying to himself,

"what the hell are you..." Kurie said,

" 'Essence...Dispersal', yeah. I like that name," Seiju said as Kurie wasn't pleased she was about to move towards him but with Seiju's eyes she hadn't move yet. He waved his hand over the pile of dead bodies as they began floating, right before Kurie moved off he threw the pile unto her as she was stopped in her tracks. Surprised and bewildered Kurie moved out the pile that was on top of her and yelled,

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THA FOR!? That just a copy of what I did to you,"

"sort of, but...there's much more I can do it that you can," Seiju said staring maniacally into the eyes of Kurie. The two stood ready cause the battle was not over yet.

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