Chapter 35-Intense Training

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

Narrator-Unnamed Narrator

"I'm training here? You say this place is called Mugen no Boido?(the Endless Void)" Seiju asked, "Yeah. Oh right I forgot, Seiju stick your fingers down in your hair until you reach your scalp.(Seiju asked why) Just do it," Gekido said as Seiju stuck his fingers into his scalp, "do you feel any movement?" Seirento asked, "no...hey wait a second, movement?! What are you trying to say here?!" Seiju shouted as the other three laughed, "don't be a bitch about it, we have a reason for asking. Inside 'Boido' time is accelerated, staying here a minute is the equivalent of a week. We asked you to check your scalp because we have been here for at least a minute so we expected your hair to start overgrowing," Yuji said as Seiju was skeptical, "time is accelerated you say? I've heard that 'time is accelerated' bullshit in too much anime and manga to believe that," he said as Gekido said, "well, then why is your facial hair growing so rapidly?" Seiju felt his face, he had already grown short length sideburns, "*sigh* fine I believe you. What this means we can't stay here for too long cause when I come out I might be older than I should be," Seiju said as Yuji raised his hand showing five fingers and said, "5 minutes, which is 1 months and a week. You will be doing this for one week, which is 35 weeks. And since were already here time is wasting so Seirento explain the training methods quick," Seirento then said, "Were going to train you in 4 aspects, Skills, hand-to-blade-hand combat, Magic control and stamina. It's your co..." Seiju cut him off with, "Stamina, that's my main problem, so I'd like for the first 4 days you teach me Stamina and the others on the following days." The three of them grinned widely as Yuji said, "you sure you wanna do that?" as Seiju smiled and nodded his head as his knife appeared in Yuji's hand in a cloud of black smoke as he threw it to Seiju. The moment Seiju caught it as he looked up all he saw red and white, then he felt a sudden and excruciating pain in his gut so much so he spat blood. He leaned forward and when he looked up he saw Gekido and his right hand was glistening silver. "what...the..." Seiju tried to say as he spat more blood. Yuji then said"Our stamina training is, we all attack you at once until the time is up, if u show signs of tiredness and u fall over we kick u out of the dimension and if you wanna come back your coming in by yourself, but if you age too much that's all your fault so I suggest(Yuji then teleports in front of Seiju) YOU DON'T FAIL!" he shouted as he elbowed Seiju in the back of his head, but Seiju wasn't going to fall. He stuck his knife in the ground to stay up then swung his foot up and hit Gekido, but it felt like hitting solid iron. "Weak attacks don't affect me," Gekido said as he grabbed Seiju's foot but Seiju swung around the other foot but using his aura he strengthened his foot so as it swung and hit Gekido it knocked him back a little allowing Seiju to do a spin kick move which turned into a handstand as he jumped back landing on his feet, "Seiju know you guys hand powers too," Seiju said as he noticed he didn't see Seirento, "don't worry, I'm right here," as voice came from Seiju right and it was Seirento leaning on his shoulder, "I was here the whole time," he said as he kneed Seiju in the chest all three of them rushed Seiju, but Seiju wasn't fearful. After intense trial and tribulation the five minutes were up and they all left the 'Boido'. Yuji, Gekido and Seirento upon exiting were all excited that they got little exercise, Seiju however was on the floor breathing heavily and had bruises all over and a black eye. But he wasn't planning on giving up. The next day he checked around for Shenoukurae but apparently he headed overseas to see some family in his mothers homeland of Haiti and he would be gone for a week, so besides going to see his friends he had no reason go to school. So, when he got home the training commenced once more. This time Yuji decided to increase training time to 10 minutes, Seiju although shocked accepted. This time training was more gruesome, Yuji took Seiju's knife from him during the fight and almost cut his head off 24 times, and Gekido broke his right arm. But when it was over Seiju tried his best to repair his arm, but it took a lot of energy so when he repaired the bones in his arm he passed out immediately. Kurie visited, along with Kazumi, Hido and Gizu but Gizu broke in again and they found Seiju on the floor. Kazumi started overreacting and Gizu was searching his house for stuff he could steal as gift written in the will Seiju hasn't even written yet. Kurie and Hido however picked up his body and proceeded to carry him to his bed so he could have a proper sleep. But when they got to his room, not only were his windows boarded up but they but he personally removed the rooms light switch so they had to use phone lights to guide their way in. What was strange about Seiju's room was that the walls weren't painted black, in fact the room was multi-colored, even his bed sheets were full white, the rest of the house however he painted black or red(mostly black). They put Seiju down on his bed then wrote him a note and and they all took a selfie over his sleeping body and left beside the note, then left. 9 hours later(the following day) Seiju woke up in his room, he was surprised, he thought Yuji, Gekido or Seirento took over his body and moved him to the bed, but he knew they weren't that nice. Then he noticed on his nigh table he found a note and picture, the note read, "Hey Seiju this is from your friends Kazumi, Kurie, Gizu and Hido. We all came to your house but we noticed you weren't coming to open the door so Gizu broke in and we found you knocked out on the floor with bruises all over your face. So we moved your you to your bed so you could properly rest. Hope we all can you well again, sincerity Your friends. P.s. Gizu tried to steal your gold necklace you left in your bathroom so we all kicked his ass." This brought a smile Seiju's face, he then picked up the picture and saw them all posing in front of his sleeping body. Seiju then got up as his Aura's particles took the picture from his hand, then another aura particle grabbed tape and they taped the picture to his wall for him. Then, he put his game face on and told the voices in his head he was ready to continue the training. He was more focused this time they trained, to Seiju it became easy. When he got out, he felt no fatigue as he went to bathroom to wash his face. When he did then looked in the mirror he noticed he had grown a small beard, not to mention his hair grew down to his neck. He shrugged it off as he dropped to the floor and did 7000 push-ups with ease...then got knocked out and fell asleep on his bathroom floor. The following day was the last day of Stamina training. Upon arriving, before he could even get ready Gekido rushed at him aiming to punch the back of his head but without turning around Seiju simply stretched around his right hand catching the punch as he said, "this punch feels sluggish," as he spun around around kicked Gekido in the side of his face and for the first time knocking him down. Then without hesitating he swung his knife behind him and it was the right thing to do because Seirento was hiding there, but he leaned back to dodge the slash but Seiju stared into Gekido's eyes, then opened them wider and Seirento was pushed to the ground by sudden gust of wind.

"Wind? There's no wind here. Hmmm, what technique have you taught yourself Seiju,"

Yuji said as by the time he blinked Seiju was in front of him as Seiju punched him right in his gut but before he went flying he caught him by the arm, but Yuji stretched his legs forward wrapping them around Seiju's arm then kicked him in the side of his head releasing his grip. When Seiju regained his composer, Gekido, Yuji and Seirento surrounded him as he smiled and said,

"that all you got? Come on, not even a minute has past yet."

The three liked his guts as they all rushed at him but Seiju took his fighting stance, he was ready for them. In an instant, the training was over. When Seiju got out he was stretching as he said, "that was fun," while Gekido was on the ground breathing heavily, Seirento was knocked out completely and Yuji stood leaning on a wall without a scratch, he was perfectly fine. Seiju completed the gruel stamina training, with this he went into his head bed to get his well needed rest. The following days of training were painfully easy for Seiju, due to the intensity of the four days of stamina training. This is where Yuji noticed something, he thought to himself,

"I see, this was Seiju's plan all along. By tackling his major fighting defect which is his low stamina, he would easily conquer the other training methods. Not to mention that new ability I saw you use, youth grow up too fast(he sees that Seiju had grown a beard as long as his arm) literally." After the training was completely over, Seiju left 'Boido' and went into his bathroom. In the mirror, he saw a beard so large it covered his mouth and his hair stretched down to his back. He grabbed scissors and cut long part of the beard off then cut the mustache part off and he cut the sideburns but left hair on his chin, leaving a nice goatee. Then he cut his hair but left it and the length to his neck but didn't cut the hair slightly covering his face, he thought it looked cool. With this, his training was complete and he had a new look not to mention after training his body age by about 40 weeks. Quick fact if you readers were wondering why the training had to happen on seven different days instead all at once, if a person stays in 'Mugen no Boido' for too long even when they leave their bodies will continue to age as if they were still in there. Cause while in 'Boido' a person's body ages but their life span doesn't decrease so so if a person spends years inside 'Boido', they won't die by age. Plus only Seratosis users may enter 'Boido', and with their powers they can just make themselves young again so what I said is technically irrelevant.


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