Chapter 39-"Only Once"

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

Narrator-Unnamed Narrator

Koichi made the first move but Kurie stood still. When he got close Kurie took advantage of her short height as she stooped down out of Koichi's vision. She then elbowed his in the gut then jumped and head butted him on his chin then while in mid air she did a 360degree spin kick to Koichi's face sending him flying. Now it was time for her to use Seratosis for the first time, she then tried to control her new aura and it launched off grabbing Koichi's foot as she then swung him around in the air then slammed him into a wall. But it wasn't enough to bring him down as he revealed one of his powers, " 'Luck'," he said as Kurie fired off her aura but when it got close to Koichi it dissipated as he got close enough to her. Kurie jumped back to gain distance but while jumping she tripped as he reached out his foot and kicked Kurie square in her back sending her flying straight up to the roof(that's actually very far up cause the house was very large). But when the smoke cleared Kurie was latching onto the roof staring at Koichi as her eyes opened wide, "I see through your deception," she said as she began to fall down. While Kurie was falling Koichi began to chant, "Zeii de nenorocire, arată harul tău asupra adversarul meu," as Kurie Kurie lands. As she tries to run towards him she trips, while she falls Koichi steps on the floor cracking the concrete inside it as the cracks goes in Kurie's direction. The exact same place were Kurie would fall there were shards of sharp rock ready to stab her on her fall. But as she was about to hit the shards subconsciously her aura covered the front of her body protecting her. "Aiko-san what language was he speaking?" Seiju asked Aiko as she replied, "Romanian. Since the year 2039 Romania became the home for the Black Magic which Koichi-san uses. Black Magic of Misfortune, Jaado." This was the first time Seiju saw Jaado Black Magic being used so he watched on carefully hoping for Kurie's success. Kurie regained her composer then remembered, "wait, Seiju lent me his knife but I didn't pick it up," she thought as she saw it near the steps, but Koichi was blocking her path. So she ran forward, but Koichi softly chuckles as his hidden hand movements cause the celing above Kurie began to collapse. But Kurie jumps and turns in a 180 degree angle and fired her aura up there holding the ceiling from falling. She landed, then turned around and continued running, as Koichi ran to her too. As she was running, with his hidden hand movements Koichi cause a piece of the staircases handle to put off flying in the direction Kurie would run. But as her eyes lit up purple she stopped leaving skid marks on the ground then timed the perfect jump kick, kicking the piece of the staircase right into Koichi's face knocking him down. With him down she ran to knife and as she tried to pick it up she noticed, "woah, this knife is really heavy. How does Seiju manage to use this much less to use 'switcher'," she said but Seiju heard her. "Kurie, what power-ups does that purple stuff give you?" Seiju asked as she replied saying, "10% future sight, impeccable balance and undisturbed focus," "interesting, with that focus and a bit of luck maybe you can pull off 'Switcher'," Seiju said as Kurie eyes opened widely in surprise as she said, " 'Switcher'? But that's your move and to me it looks completely impossible to pull off," Seiju then walks up to her and pats her head and says, "don't be negative, you can pull it off just focus on the knife and your opponent, but you can't take your eyes off your opponent but at the same time you have to focus on the knife.(Kurie replies with 'but that sounds way too hard for me') Fine, since you temporarily have a Seratosis aura, widen it and when you use 'Switcher' the aura will give a mental not of where the knife is If you throw it." It takes kurie a few seconds to think it through but she accepts to try it, "good, but you can only use it once because it will take up all of your energy, don't stress the details but you can only use it once, got it?" Seiju said as Kurie nodded as Koichi finally tries to stand up, His head is bleeding due to the hard his from the staircase. Seiju backs away as Kurie holds the knife gently, then takes a deep breath. "Only once huh," she thought as she began more focused then ran towards Koichi as he activated his 'Luck' ability. When close Kurie goes a side slash aiming for his abdomen(where the ribs are located) but Koichi steps slightly to his left then Kicks her on her thighs causing her to spin out in a circle landing on her back. He then put his foot under her back then lifting his foot lifted her with it as he got up close to her and punched her right in the face sending her flying across the room. But she doesn't waver, stand immediately stands up but her vision becomes blurry, "what's going on?" she asked herself as she feels unimaginable pain in her gut as Koichi punches her and slams Kurie on the wall behind her as she spits blood. Koichi then grabs her neck and starts choking her as she could feel a bad omen looming off his body, "so what a Jaado users aura feels like...wait a second, AURA!" Kurie thought as the Aura around her neck comes out forming two thick strands and then slam against Koichi's head making him let her go. When she gets back on her feet she kicks him in the gut then Kicks him away by kicking the same place. Koichi regains balance after standing back up as Kurie's grip on the knife became tighter as she ran forward, Koichi standing still waiting for her approach. "only once...I have to focus," Kurie this as her purple eyes glow brighter, then when she's close slashes using her right hand aiming for his gut put his right foot was already on its way to kick her face as she threw the knife downwards under his foot as she bends down using her hands to lift his foot up so she could under and past him. The knife bounces up as she catches it with her other hand, but as she steps down on her left foot she looses balance. "Shit," Seiju says as he begins to bite his nails and Kazumi shouts Kurie's name as she slowly falls. "only...once...ONLY ONCE!" Kurie shouted in her mind as Aura pushed out from her back rubbing against the floor preventing her from falling as she runs forward as Koichi launches a punch, "hmph, stupid girl with my 'luck' and misfortune chant activated there's no way your little trick will work," Koichi thought as Kurie trips once more, "HA! I knew it," Koichi thought but... she fell on purpose, while falling she used her physical strength as threw the knife right into his side, causing full penetration. Using her right foot she stepped back regaining balance then ran toward him ripping the knife out then with her final attack she jumped to the left and twirled like a ballerina and when she reached behind Koichi on her last spin using the speed and pressure of the spin slammed the knife right into Koichi's back. She landed gracefully as she ripped the knife out of his back as he back right on his face, she grinned at her friends and raised her hand in the air declaring her victory but, she slowly started to fall over. Seiju without a second thought sprinted to her the slid on the ground and caught her from falling. Seiju was on his back as the tired Kurie was on his chest, as Kazumi ran to them and jumped on Seiju too. When she woke, Kurie saw Seiju and Kazumi staring into her face and smiling as she said, "I...I won right?" Kazumi replied saying, "of course, there's no way could have lost." "Good job, you made 'Switcher' look easy," Seiju said as then all sat up Kurie and Kazumi on their knees and Seiju sitting with his legs folded, "it wasn't easy at all, even though the elixir I put on my doll gave me complete focus, it was still hard. I couldn't have done it without the Seratosis aura and the knife you lent me Seiju," Kurie said as Seiju replied saying, "you know I never use my aura to help with using 'Switcher'(Kurie looks surprised) it's one of my abilities but I could do it even if I didn't have Seratosis, but since I have it I can do it multiple times in arrow without feeling all that tired afterwards," "it doesn't look that hard all you do is throw the knife into a different hand continuously until you can hit your target, it's dribbling a basketball," Kazumi said but Seiju replied with, "it is like dribbling a basket ball, but knives or any blade for that matter can't bounce back up to your hand, so you have to lean your body in direction you threw your knife. Or if you're not bouncing your weapon, that's were the intense focus comes in, to throw your weapon in places you can't see it then catch it is impossible for normal people. I also have some new 'Switcher' technique I wanna try on Anzo." Seiju then stood up and grabbed Kurie and Kazumi's hands and picked them up. Aiko watched on, "that was splendid battle," she thought as she stared admiring Seiju and Kurie. Their skill impressed her, she knew her niece would be protected around people like them. Then, Seiju walked up to Koichi's body. He was still alive but barely, he wasn't in the condition to speak either so Seiju tried out a new trick on him. He put his hand on Koichi's head then closed his eyes, after two seconds opened them his aura surrounded both their bodies. When he let him go he said, "ok, I read his memory," Kurie and Kazumi looked confused as Kazumi asked, "you can do that?" "I 'can do anything' with my powers, but it all comes with a cost. Now, he lied about knowing where Zanju is so we're at a dead end here. But anyway lets head upstairs and find Anzo. But wait, Kazumi he is here right? How hasn't he heard any of the fighting down here?" Kazumi replies with, "he is here I spoke to him earlier and yeah I'm pretty sure he heard all of what was going on down here, he's just too lazy to come check." Seiju puts his hand on his chin to think, but he remembered Aiko was behind them not saying a word so he turned around and walked up to her. "So Aiko-san, you coming to help us or what?" Seiju asked as she looked down, she had a scared look in her eyes. Seiju puts his hand on her shoulder as she looks up and blushes slightly, "don't worry, if things get tough I'll protect you," Seiju said with a sincere smile on his face. Aiko then stared at him then smiled, "I can see why those two girls like you so much, you make them feel safe," Aiko said as Seiju looked confused as he said, "huh? They like me? When did that happen?" Aiko thought he was joking till she saw the pure look of confusion on his face. She sighed then told him she was ready to head upstairs to meet Anzo. The four of them, Seiju in front walked up the stairs to meet Anzo Daichi, a formidable battle is incoming.


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