Chapter 19-Types of Black Magic

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

Seratosis. I've never heard that word before nor have I even heard of black magic being real. It was all bullshit to me at first but then I recalled the things I've done since knowing this. I could stop time, see bullets coming at me at a slower speed, have extremely good hearing(come to think of it I was born with that), I opened a goddamn portal of some sorts and pulled out a knife and I have the overwhelming thrill of killing people, honestly I think I was born with that too. It all seemed strange but not unbelievable. I was trying sense out of the nonsense, then looking the dead bodies in front of me, I asked Yuji how to open the portal again, and this I did, I opened the portal and dumped their bodies inside it. obviously the people in this apartment complex aren't deaf, or stupid, which means they heard the gun shots and Hinako-chan's scream, with this I heard the footsteps and confused chatter of the people as they rushed up the steps. I didn't want to cause any more trouble than I already cause I walked to the edge of the building, and jumped off. Why? It was a test of this 'black magic', I wanted to see if it could protect me even though I wasn't sure what this 'black magic' was or what it could do, what was on my mind was if I die or break my legs on the fall, its fate, if I don't that's another reason to keep living. As expected I landed perfectly on the ground floor of the building on the outside, landed on my feet of course, and I didn't feel a thing. I looked down and there was slight cracks in the concrete below me, I chuckled and walked off with my hands in my pockets like nothing happened, as far as those people know, there are just two more missing people in the country, nothing more nothing less...I guess I cant attend Hinako-chans funeral then, cause there won't be one.

'He' never showed up for a while, cause 5 days later I had become 'him'. Within these 5 days, Yuji taught me everything about Black magic and how it's a very prominent thing this worlds underground societies. There's your common witchcraft and sorcery which is basic but powerful black magic by itself. Tantrik-ritual black magic, with it you talk to spirits, make sacrifices to false gods for power and even raise the dead. Djinn- Spirits or people with the power almost in league with the gods, most Djinn or Djinn users torment humans for fun but Djinn these days are some of the causes for suicides due them possessing random humans for their own pleasure. Jaado-Black magic where the user can cause common misfortune to others, sounds simple and weak at first until you realize that Jaado users have been causing earthquakes and storms all across the world, cause they can also manipulate the environment and even animals. Voodoo-Very common in Caribbean countries Voodoo is the most simple and easy to use out of all the black magics, plus it's easy to obtain. With voodoo there are your basic curses and doll making but, a voodoo user can also cause not only misfortune, but great power as long as the doll created has the essence of the person/user/or target which the user wants to destroy or enhance. Then there is...Seratosis. Seratosis is known as the most powerful form of black magic, so strong its raw essence when untouched could make a flourishing forest become a wasteland. Seratosis is rather strange, it has no purpose for the user and there are no specific things it can do, all Yuji said was "it makes the user be able to 'do what they want'," confusing at first but when he explained I deeper I started to understand better. Seratosis users can 'do what they want', which mean for example, I could stop time, make fire out of thin air ect.. But, with Yuji's further explanation he told about my 'aura'. This aura is gained by all Seratosis users, all powers can only be used by using the aura. Yuji told me to look carefully around my surrounding, when I did I saw floating black particles surrounding my body. So with common sense and anime knowledge I controlled these particles, hyphenated them and thickened them as I saw a very thick aura completely surrounding my body. It didn't surprise me or frighten me, all that was on my geeky mind was that,

"I totally look like anime or manga character right now."

With this Yuji said this is where the fun starts, with the aura thickened even regular people can see it so when in public nullify it, but when its thick I can use it and its essence to do whatever I a cost. If I use it to much it may cause severe internal damage, coma, loss of thought, lifespan shortage or death. I was impressed with what I could do, so for the few days I skipped school I was training in my house, cause Yuji also told something ominous and strange,

"you can use black magic Seratosis now Seiju, Congrats...but it's not really a good thing, cause the very moment you obtained this power, several others looked to the sky, they could sense it, 'a new one has arrived'."

I didn't understand at first but I would...very soon.

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