Chapter 17-The True Beginning

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

            He must have a method to his madness so, I took up on his offer. A few hours later it was 6:48pm, so I took a walk to the apartment district, went into the one he asked to go in, went up the stairs and when I reached the top and looked off the edge I checked my watch and it was exactly 7pm,

"what do you think he's planning?" Yuji said to me telepathically,

"I don't know but so far he's on schedule," I said back. 7 out of the 10 seconds had past and I began to lose favor in his request. I even thought to myself that the nightmare was all just bullshit...boy was I wrong. 3 more seconds past, 10 seconds in total went by, and without a moment's notice ripping sounds came from behind and the sounds of young girls scream came with it. I dared not turn around, but when I did, I saw a young girls body parts scattered across the floor,

"this can't be real,"

 I said to myself as I walked slowly but closer towards the scattered pieces. I went to her head, and as expected it was busuga Hinako. At that point inside I regretted what I did to Hinako-chan, but deep inside I didn't give a damn, that was 'his' thoughts, my thoughts, the thoughts don't recognize or give credit for. 'His' thoughts are my thoughts he is me and I am him, we are Seiju. To be honest the main reason I came here was because not only was he going to show me something but he said he would reveal the reason why Yuji, Gekido and Seirento exist, hopefully he would keep his side of the bargain. Soon I would hear his Ghostly voice, "Seiju prepare yourself cause this is where your 'life' begins," he said as suddenly the entrance to the roof opened and a man wearing a police uniform came through,

"I heard a girl screaming what's going on here!?" he shouted as he stepped forward, stepping into Hinako-chans blood, he then looked down at her mutilated body, then looked at me with fearless and powerful eyes. From his angle the situation is obvious, but from my angle I technically didn't kill her, I killed her in a nightmare, but yet she's here the same way I left her. Honestly I would rather the cop shoot me dead were I stood, which he was trying to do. He went for his gun, it's not like would hesitate, but I noticed he froze in place, the air went away and I looked at my watch, it wasn't ticking. Then 'He'(if you don't know who he is by now its Seiju 2.0...if you don't know who that I can't help you lol) suddenly appeared next to me,

"don't know what's going on do you, well I'll explain later but right now, you're in trouble. Either he shoots you dead or you're arrested, either way you won't find your parents' killer, you won't get anything done. So it's your choice what to do now, I'll let Yuji help you out from here,"

 he said as he faded away and Yuji appeared in the same spot 'he' was,

"well Seiju, it seems you're in a bit of trouble here," Yuji said smirking,


 I shouted in aggravation,

"alright don't get your dick in a twist, it's your choice what you gotta do here but the best option to 'get rid' of this cop, do you agree?" he said as my eyes became white again,

"yeah, that's the only way," I replied,

"this may seem weird at first but stretch your left hand out to the left(I did so)ok now focus, pretend like your opening a door in your mind(I did so)good now, look to your left,"

 he said, when I did look I saw a strange portal looking thing inside it I could see a hazy shade of purple and black,

"I'll ask what this is later but what do I do with it?" I asked,

"just stick your hand inside it, and grab the first thing you touch," Yuji replied as I did that, the first I touched felt familiar, it was the hilt of something. When I pulled it out it was the knife that 'he' used in the dream. As I said it technically is mine so why not use it.

"you know what to do from here Seiju, I'm out good luck, time will continue when you put your mind to it, when you want it to stop again just think about stopping it, but you can't do it too much cause it will put a strain on your body,"

Yuji said as he left in smoke with a smile. But honestly...hehe...I didn't need his advice after I had the knife in my hand, cause I may be physically innocent, but I'm a psychotic maniac in my mind. I was born to kill.

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