Chapter 21-She Still Cares

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Akumu Keihatsu/Enlightened by Nightmares

            After a chat with Hido and Gizu they gave me email, they said she wanted me to call her. After that they left, saying I should be back in school soon or they will visit more. The fact that they know where I live is worse than visits. Well, I got her email, but I didn't know what to do with it so I put it in my pocket. 10 minutes later I was drinking some water then I heard a drums and guitar playing somewhere. I put my water down and followed the sound, the closer I got the more it sounded like death metal music. The sound came from my bath room, strange. I opened the door and the music coming from the toilet. I lifted the seat and in the toilet water was my phone...

"oh yeah I forgot, I threw that in there,"

 I said as I reached in and took it out. It's the year 2076 now, so obviously technology is more advanced. Phones these days are different in many ways to older flip phones or smart phones. It starts off as small as a pea, and has 2 buttons. Button 1 is red colored, when pushed a holographic screen projects with a hard surface behind the projection, with this u can scroll through your contacts(my only contact are my brothers) once u tap to call someone the projection disappears and a microphone folds out from there u plug it in any ear and provides great speech quality. The other button makes the phone fold out into a smart phone(don't ask not even I can come up with bullshit this profound) with this you can do what regular smart phones can do with a few technological advancements here and there plus with each purchase the provider gives the buyer a free headset so it's a good deal I guess. I didn't buy this phone my step-parents gave it to me, so why not I accepted it.

            I didn't recognize the email which was calling me so I answered to see who it my surprise guess who it was,


A loud female voice came out of the phone as I felt my eardrums pounding like a drummer was using it as his drum set. There was brief silence from me as the person kept calling my name asking I was there,

"yes?" I asked as she shouted back,


"could you turn the volume down a notch, and who is this," I asked as calmly as possible,

"oh it's me Kazumi," she said in a cute voice,

"oh, hey Kazu-," I tried to say this when I realized something, how did she get my email? I have her email, the guys said she didn't get mine and yet she called me...

"before I say anything else how did my email?" I asked while scratching my head in confusion,

"your email? Oh right you mean ''?"                           

*MESSAGE FROM AUTHOR-you readers don't know how long it took me to figure out how Japanese emails works and I'm not even sure if how I put Seiju's email was correct but oh well*

            We talked for about 12 minutes but it was mostly her talking but I was listening to what she had to say keenly. She talked about how I should go to school cause I'm worrying her, then she asked me an old joke question used in 2014 in the States,

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