{𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕-4}𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑱𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏

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After going home yn made her way to her room..she didnot talked with Sana and stay on silent whole day she is in trauma because it is the first time that a guy was trying to do something bad with her..she was really afraid after that incident which didnot happened because of jimin..otherwise jack will do what he wants to do...

And there Sana was all silent thinking what to do to make yn a little bit comfortable and happy all her thinking is making her more tensed afterall they are bestfriend or you can say more than bestfriend they treat as other like sisters...

"No no i just need to talk with her and make her comfortable"Sana said to herself and made her way to yn's room..

"Yn?yn?are you inside??"Sana knocked on yn's room door but didnot get any response so she open the door and sighed when she saw yn is sleeping...

"Thank God she is sleeping..hope after sleep she will feel better.."

"And that mtfkr i swear i will make his life hell how dare he touch her"Sana cursed jack under her breath because she don't want to wake yn up..

She was about to leave yn's room but then she saw something on yn's night lamp drawer..she made her way to look at the thing...

"What's this?"she said slowly and hold the thing and then look clearly at the thing and then she realised that this is the last gift yn got from her childhood bestfriend...

"She still kept this pandent with her..why she don't try to forget about him?"she said almost in a frustrated way because this gift not only a gift it's also have a painful memory for yn!!

"I-i sai-said lea-leave me..!!"yn was dreaming and crying, shouting in her dream to leave her

"Yn wake up yn see i am here!"Sana ran to her bedside and sat and started calming yn down as yn is sweating because of fear yn immediately wake up and hugged Sana tightly

"It's oky see its me..!!don't cry..!!"Sana started patting her head softly and soon calm down...

_ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __

Next day...

Yn and Sana came to college yn didnot want to came but Sana forced her to come because it's not yn's fault that she will not come it's Jack's fault and Sana think when her parents came from abroad after there important meeting she will tell them as Sana's parents have a hand with this college owner.....

"Sana do you remember who helped me yesterday!?"yn ask Sana as they just headed to their locker room

"Hmm i remember his name is Jimin and maybe he is our senior"Sana told her ofcourse she just know about jimin just this little because she is also new here and they don't have time to talk yesterday as yn's condition was not good

"But why you're asking?"sana locked the locker door and looked at yn

"I just wants to thank him as he helped me yesterday"yn said and also locked her locker

"Wait there he is go and thanks him"Sana said when she looked at beside she saw jimin there in his locker yn turned back and looked at him once then headed towards him with a calm face and Sana also go with her

"Umm?thank you jimin for helping me!!"yn said with a nervous voice because it's her first time to talk with him...jimin looked at him when he heared her voice

"Oh you no need to thanks me..!!how are you now..?"jimin asked her..

"Ugh i am fine..!!"yn said him

"Oh..as it's our class time i may Go now.."yn said jimin..he nodded..yn and Sana left from here

"Hey jimin hyung who was that girl?"

"Aish you br@t you scared me..!!"jimin angrily said him

"So you was that much into her that you didnot hear our footsteps huh??"he teased him a little

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