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Yn pov- “i am getting ready for the fresher party and Sana was just throwing tantrums while wearing clothes and i was just laughing at her behaviour she is really looking so beautiful but still this girl is throwing tantrums on the dress which taehyung bought for her the real mean is that she don't like to wear revealing dress and i also don't like but Jimin and taehyung bought revealing dress but not so much we said to them but they said it's oky to wear this type of dress in party i am almost done but this girl they will come soon to pick us up but Sana agh....”

“why you are throwing tantrums you are looking so damn beautiful you know i have to say Taehyung’s choice so good..!!”i said brushed her messy hair she looked at me with her annoying reaction

“why you are taking his side...jimin’s choice is also good..you are also looking so beautiful!!”she said annoyingly i just chuckled

“i am annoyed because it's my first time to wear this type of clothes..!!”she said and stand up from bed

“i know i am also wearing this type of dress first time..”i said and looked at her but soon the door opened revealing jimin and taehyung we both looked at them and smiled

“woah...you both are looking so beautiful in this dress..!!”jimin said and came to me i smiled at him shyly

“btw why her mood is off today yn..i am already feeling the vibe of danger for me..!!”taehyung asked me while pointing his finger towards Sana who was looking like she is gonna eat taehyung up...

“lets go..or it will be your last party!!”sana said and headed to out while pulling out taehyung too with her

“see i said nah my danger time already start..!!”taehyung said and fakely cry me and jimin laughed at his situation

“then let's go..!!”jimin asked me i just nodded then we all headed to out and went inside jimin’s car


We all came to the party hall Sana and taehyung already went inside while i was waiting for jimin because he was parking the car after sometime he came and take my hand to his and then started walking inside while i was feeling quite awkward and shy by this all and all the guest are looking at us with their sharp eyes all the girls are like they will chew me at any time and some of them are saying that “i am his one night girl whom he will throw out from his life or he is playing with me too!!”i just shrugged it off and started walking with him quitely but i can say he also hear their so called conversation and was hella angry by his look i can say that...

“you sit here yn..!!”he said and pulled out a chair for me actually i am quite person and i don't like dances so it's better for me to sit

“where is taehyung and Sana?”i asked to him

“there they are...!!"he Said and i looked at the direction

“woah!!she already started drinking this girl!!”jimin chuckled at my talk

“wait..let me grab some drinks for us too!!”he said and went to the bar counter i was looking at him silently Sana was right after staying with jimin into relationship i am feeling alive again...

“here your drink mss.yn!!”he handed me one glass and clink with mine we gulp the drink in one go as it's just a shot..

“hey guys let's dance..!!”taehyung came to us with Sana

“agh..you both enjoy me and yn is staying here..!!”jimin said to taehyung

“bro you are the one who always heat up the party by dancing!!”taehyung said and looked at jimin..i was feeling guilty because of me he is also staying here when everyone knows how much he liked to do dance

“its oky oppa..you can dance..!!”i said to him i still called him oppa because i feel comfortable with this i feel awkward while using his name for conversation and he also don't mind with this

“its oky i want to spent time with you..!!”jimin said and sit me.. taehyung and Sana left from there

Me and jimin was talking and smilies while looking at taehyung and Sana taehyung really afraid of Sana alot and was drinking alcohol it's my first time drinking alcohol but with him i am feeling so comfortable to drink..he is really a cheerful person for him my life also became so cheerful


“go and give this medicine to their drink!!”she said to the bar tander who was afraiding while doing all this

“bu-but wh-what”bar tander was not able to complete and she said

“do as i say i will paid you well..!!”she said  and left...

“are you going to work on your plan today?”said the male to the female

“yes!!”said the female

“lina...can I get yn today..she is looking hella sexy in this dress..!!”the male said to the female (Lina)and was imagining dirty while looking at yn from far

“sure jack..but have to wait for some time!!”she said to him while sipping her drink

“you know at first i give this work to jimin but he rejected so now i have to do that and also jimin is going to help me..!!”she said and smirk...

“you want revenge from jimin or yn??”jack asked her

“from both...i liked jimin from so long but he rejected me saying i am not his type..and then this yn came!!so i want revenge from them both!!”she said and looked at jack

“whatever..i just want yn with me on the bed.. nothing else last time jimin beated me when i was about rape yn!!”he said and gritted his teeths...

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