{part-5}Bet for jimin..

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It's been 1 month yn is studying here as they are junior they don't see jimin and his friends too much because they have different sections so they saw less each others and even yn only meet jimin not his friends  and whenever she saw jimin she bowed at him and greets him and jimin also greet her jimin's one friend taehyung only know he jungkook didnot saw her yet and maybe is good that he didn't saw her yet maybe it's a faith for them to not meet eachother...


"Hii jimin seon-bae"a girl of yn's age called jimin..he turned back and looked at her..

"What happened?"he coldly said never believe this guy he is sometimes cold with girls and sometimes so moody with girls he himself don't know what type of playboy he is but when his playboy mood turned on he himself can't control him...

"Ahh do you know yn!?"she said in a curious tone like she is going to do something important work...

"Yes the new girl right..!?what happened then!?"he said with a questioning way"don't tell me mark cheated on you with her..!?"he asked her..

"Agh not like that why mark will cheated on me with that b!tch.."she gritted her teeths angrily..

"So what ?why are you asking about her then!?"he is now pissed of by her behaviour because jimin don't like to talk too much otherwise he need something from them...

"I wants you to date yn...like you are a playboy so please use yn"

"Playboy"he looked at her angrily "you are Mark's girlfriend that's why i am talking with you nicely..don't you know i play with those whom i want..why will I play with her when i have nothing to do with her!?"he said angrily to her she just gulped hard by seeing his scary look...

She is now scaring of him and trying to find any other words to convince him to do that she is looking here and there with a devilish eye and jimin is looking at her angrily

"She sla-slapped me and insult me "
she said while closing her eyes and trying to make a teary eyes to make jimin convince jimin look at her to make sure she is lying or saying truth but this b!tch is really good at acting that jimin himself can't understand her true face...

"But why she did that!?"

"Because she don't like me she said i am characterless girl.." she is sobbing and crying jimin came to her and hugged her friendly way make sure no one say anything to look at them and patted her back...

"Don't worry tell me what i need to do?"jimin asked her...

"Just make her life living hell,play with her how much you want!!"

"Don't worry i will do that..!!"

"Hey jimin ?what happened bro?why are you so tensed?"his friends are asking him this question from morning but Jimin is just sitting on the couch while sipping cold drink without looking at them and thinking something so deeply like he is not in this world....

"Jimin"he shaked his body and jimin came to reality and looked at them surprisingly like he don't know them

"What taehyung?"he said a bit irritatingly to him

"Hey bro what happened?why are you behaving so mean to us..!?"

"Nothing jungkook..btw when did you came from Busan ??"asked him

"Just yesterday...i came from grand ma's house"he said him

"So when you are going college?"

"A week later maybe!! Btw i heared two new junior girl came!!"he asked them a little bit curiously

"Agh!!yes!!"both said

"How they both look!?"now a smirk is appeared on his face

"Hmm"jimin said

"Then what you both are waiting for??are you both were waiting for me to come?"jungkook asked them

"Go home i am sleepy!!"he said stand up from couch jungkook and taehyung looked at him and whinned

"When you become so boring!!" jungkook said to jimin...jimin glared at him they both laugh nervously and went out...


Jimin pov-

As Lina said yn slapped her but when i saw her she was not looking like she will slap someone or insult or talk about others characters then how can she slapped someone should i believe Lina or not but she is mark girlfriend and mark is my close friend should i ask him but Lina said not to tell him about this but what if she lied to me but agh many thoughts are roaming freely in my damn mind aish oky jimin you are a playboy this type of thing is nothing for you..you can do this its so simple work...

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