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"So you can join the company now as a CEO since you completed your graduation!!"his dad said to him he genuinely smiled at his dad

"i need 2 years more to join dad!!"he said his dad looked at him confusingly

Cuz he is the one who said he will join the company after completing his graduation but today he is denying

"why not now?you always said you wants to join the company after completing studies"his dad said

"that time i didn't have responsibilities but now I have dad!!"he said

"i have to take care of yn during her pregnancy period and after that I have to handle our baby cuz she have to complete her studies!!"he said while looking at yn his dad also looked at his direction

His dad looked at him and smiled proudly "you know when i said you at your highschool time, you will never have a family because of your playboy nature!!"his dad said

He nodded at his dad"yeah and that time i was so jerked to don't understand what you meant!!"he said

"but i am happy that you changed yourself and became a mature person!!"his dad said

"then you should thanks yn cuz she is one for whom I have changed "his dad nodded at him


They both are sleeping peacefully on the bed but yn woke up and sit on the bed at midnight

She yawned and looked at her beside only to see him sleeping peacefully it's her habbit to woke up at midnight because of moodswings

She shaked him by his shoulder and called him to wake up he whinned and looked at her

"what happened?why are you sitting on the bed at midnight?"he said while rubbing his eyes

"I am hungry!!"she said and pout he sighed and looked at the clock which is indicating 3 am

"baby why you have to wake up at 3 am everyday!!?"he whinned

"why are you asking me?ask your child!!"she glared at him he gulped and went kitchen

After a while he come inside with a bowl of noddles while she is talking with Sana she everytime called her whenever she woke up at night sana never mind it but poor her husband can't able to sleep because of their talks

Taehyung covered his both ears and tried to sleep but he is not able to sleep because of their loud talks

"yaaah park jimin why don't you stop your wife to not call here at midnight!!"he said on the phone he know jimin heared because yn always put her phone on speaker

Jimin scoffed from the other side"why should i? Why don't you tell to Sana to not picking up her calls!!?"jimin said while yn is eating peacefully

Taehyung looked at Sana who is glaring him"i wish i could!!"he said and went to sleep while jimin and others laughed at his poor condition


"Yaah jimin looked at her small hands she is looking so adorable and cute!!"sana exclaimed in excitement

Jimin smiled and nodded while looking at his girl child in his arms sleeping peacefully who just borned yesterday

Yn is sleeping after giving birth because of tiredness and everyone is handling the little one

"jimin give her to me please!!"sana said jimin nodded and give her the baby

"aish she is looking beautiful like yn!!"sana said

"ofcourse she is her mother but she is also cute like jimin!!"taehyung said

"yaah guys don't forget me i am also here to celebrate!!"jungkook said and ran towards them

"when you came from abroad?"jimin asked

"today after hearing this good news who can stop theirself to not come!?"he said and looked at the baby

"aish!! This little creature is so cute!!"he giggled

"i dare you to call her that again!!"jimin glared at jungkook

"sana give her to me!!"jungkook said Sana pout

"why are you making this face?asked taehyung to give you one!!"he said looking at her and taking the baby in his arms Sana glared at him

"your sister is so dangerous I don't think my future baby will be safe around her?"taehyung said but soon he achieved a glared from her

"You want to die by hands!!?"Sana asked him her nodded in no and shut his mouth

"Shh you both don't wake her up!!"jungkook said

"Jimin hyung did you decided her name?"he asked him jimin nodded

"What is her name you decided?"everyone asked

"Park Sara!!"he looked at his baby

"Why?Sara?"all asked him in concern

"Because Sara means "princess"which she really is!!"he said and smiled

"Pateint is awake you all can meet her now!!"nurse said and left

They all came inside and saw her laying on the bed jimin went towards her and made her sit on the bed slowly slowly and then he give Sara to yn she hold her and looked at her sleeping figure

She smiled looking at her"her eyes are look like you!!"she said and looked at jimin

"And she looked beautiful like you!!"he said and caressed Sara's forehead lightly

"Cuz she is our daughter!!"they both said at the same time and smiled

"Guys we are also here!!"they all said

All of their life settled at first everything was messed jungkook was broken and was sad to see yn becoming someone else but he accepted and ready to freed her from his mind and heart and was her marriage happily then her giving birth everything he accepted happily

He don't blamed anyone cuz it's his fault but he also can't do anything it's all was written on destiny which just happened

Sana and taehyung also get married since his studies also finished and jungkook he went abroad after completing studies and soon he also find someone for him

He found his real love , his happiness and he also settled his life with her he has moved on from yn fully so he came back with his love one to Korea

Yn and sana completed their studies jimin really helped her alot during pregnancy he really took great care of her and even took good care of their daughter when yn was busy with her studies

Which she loved alot she is happy to have him as her life partner and wants to live like this with him forever and with their little daughter



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