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“Hey are you ok? You are not coming college for few weeks..what happened?”he asked her calmly but yet he was so worried seeing his eyes everyone can say that

“i-i am oky..it's just i had fever.. but now i am all oky..you don't have to worry about me jimin oppa!!”she just said with a thinking tone..and make a line to say him that she is all oky but what was about that that she was going throughout for the past few weeks her life again become miserable just after seeing him it's true no matter how much we tried to forget about our first love no matter how much we tried to move on but our heart don't listen it....

She said and was about to go from there because she knows staying here will make her more weak infront of jimin but he was also sure that she is lying to him and was about ran away from the question he is wants to ask so he hold her hand and made her stand there while holding her arms and looked into her eyes

“are you sure yn?”he said looked into her eyes and she was just standing there whole nervous and was seeing here and there not knowing what to say to his question

“hey jimin what are you doing bro?”after hearing taehyung voice from his back he looked at him and his grief loosen yn went away from there after having the opportunity

“ynn?”jimin sighed because she already ran away from there and now he is glaring at taehyung

“what happened?why you came here?”jimin asked taehyung being all irritated

“i was searching jungkook but he is not found any where..do you know where he is?”

“no after that day he is not even talking to me and ignoring me!!”jimin said

“what happened to him lately?it's because of yn?”taehyung asked to jimin who was also curious what happened to jungkook after seeing yn here that day

“but what he have to do with yn?”jimin asked taehyung

“why don't you ask yn or Sana about that?”

“i asked Sana but she was also ignoring me..but hearing her talked that day i can say they all know eachother from so long!!”jimin said to taehyung


Yn pov-

After ran away from jimin i directly came to the old room of our college no students came here because it's so dark room and i always came to study here so i also think to study here today as i know finding me jimin will again asked tha same question so it's better stay here for some hours i came and locked the door then sit on the middle bench cuz i don't like to sit on the first bench and started reading

You came?

I looked up when i heared a manly husky and deep voice i was not sure who was he because no one came to this room and in my back side the room is so dark but i can here the foot step that' are coming closer to me i slowly turned my gaze where the voice of footsteps are coming

i was waiting for you so long!!”

Again he said but i don't able to see his face but the sounds is so familiar to me and i know i hear this voice but where i heared i don't know my mind is not able to think anything but as the time passes and the footsteps sounds are coming so closer my heart also started pounding so fast that anyone can hear my heartbeat i somehow manage some strength and tried to ask the unknown person

“wh-who are you?”

Because of fear my words only came into whisper but i know he heared he laugh a little and then i saw his face my jaw dropped

“you?”when i said that he started laughing so hard and my blood started boiling because of anger i just took my notebook and threw to him he hold the book and then looked to me sit on the bench

“hey hey don't glare at me like this!!”

“shut up jimin oppa is not funny i was so hella scared because of you!!”i just started hitting on his left arm but i guess he is so stronger than me for that my hand started hurting

“sorry for that..you ran away from me so i thought to do a prank on you!!”

“how you know that i am here..?and how you came so fast before me..i remember i locked the door from inside?”

“after you ran away i know you will go and hide some where so i asked Sana and as always you told her before coming here and she told me..and btw junior how much you know about this college i know all the way of our room’s i come through another way..maybe you don't know but this room is attached with our room!!”he said to me amd then pointed towards a door and yes he was right their room is attached to this room

“now i answer my question!!”he asked me i just looked to him with a look of ‘what?’

“how you know jungkook?”he seems serious this time and i guess i have to told him everything about him now

“why you wants to know about him?”but me being selfish don't want to say anything about him because i think after listening to me he will feel pity for me like others did at that time

“i wants to know because i care for you!!”he said with a smile but still i am not ready and seeing into my eyes he also understand i don't want to say anything to him

“forget about that!! But wanna go to park today after college!??”he asked me and even i say no to him he will take me i know so i just nodded


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