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She woke up after feeling a sharp pain on her head and hold her head with her hand tightly while started remembering what happened last night her eyes filled up with heavy tears and she was feeling so horrified after that she was shivering in fear and was continuesly sobbing jimin woke up after hearing the sobbing sound and saw her crying in the corner of the bed and tears are flowing from her eyes like rever

“dont cry!!”he sweetly said and wiped off her tears with his thumb yn flinch hard because of the sudden touched but then she saw him with a soft smile

“op-oppa?”she quickly hugged him and started sobbing hard

“shhh.. sweetheart nothing happened see you are all fine!!”he sweetly said and rubbed her back softly after a while she calmed down and broke the hug

“how are you feeling?”he touched her forehead and asked with a worried face

“i-i am go-good now!!”she nervously said and get up from bed

He hold her wrist and stopped her“dont think too much you are all oky..!!”he said and made her looked at him she nodded quitely and went to bathroom

He sighed heavily “jack you are going to pay for your deeds!!”he gritted his teeths in anger

you can't do a single work alone huh?i give you yn still you are useless!!”lina shouted at jack all her lungs out

“that jimin?i am gonna kill him this time!!”he gritted in anger

“first save yourself from him now..you tried to touched yn he will not gonna leave you easily..!!”she scoffed

“f..cking that bitch can't she give herself easily...just one more chance and this time i am gonna ruined her...!!”he darkened his gaze

“dont you dare...just hide for now..gosh!!"
she said and left from there

“hide?my foot!!first i am gonna kill jimin!!”

“dont think too much now..i am going home if you need something call me!!”jimin said and pecked her forehead she smiled and nodded shortly

“sana looked at her..she is so clumsy and careless..!!”

”i know jimin..i am her friend for almost 18yrs..she is more stubborn than careless!!”sana said and point at yn

“yaah!! I am not!!”yn pouted angrily they all chuckled at her

“gotta go..byee!!"jimin said and walked out after waving at her

“me too byee!!”taehyung also walked out..

“so babe what you want to eat..tell me you have a free cook for today..!!”she said and dramatically bowed to her yn laughed at her

“anything i am oky with..!!”

“oky Sana's special dish is coming..!!”she said and left from her room

||NOTE-“i am not disrespecting any idol here all my concept is here are imaginary concept of mine so please read as imagination ”||

“i am just coming after using washroom!”yn said and went to washroom
Sana nodded at her

She washed her face and wiped her face off then she looked at the mirror one last time before coming out from the washroom and headed to their room but instead of going to their classroom she went to that room where she always study alone and looked a guy smoking while back facing she frowned and started stepping slowly to him until she recognised the person and stood there blankly and shocked

“jun-jungkook?”she said out of sudden and jungkook looked at the voice direction and got shocked but then colded his reaction

“what are you doing here?you should have with jimin!!”he scoffed and again started smoking

“dont smoke is not good for health!!”she said as a friendly tone and now she don't have any feeling of love for jungkook she consider him as a friend and nothing more

“why you care huh?”he scoffed and looked at her“why you love jimin huh? because he is rich more than me?”

Yn pov-“i was really caring for him but the words he said for me make me more angry at him in my life i never thought i will ended up with jimin because from very start i always think of jungkook as my partner but all he did was hurting me and now when i am happy with jimin he is again doing the same just why he don't accept his fault”

“do you think me as a cheap girl?jungkook how could you say this when you know me better than anyone!!”i shout at him angrily

“just accept your so called fault!!”i coldly said“and i never asked jimin for money nor i dated him for money..!!”i started walking out from this room

“you were always like this running behind money!!”

I stopped at my spot after what he said made me more angry i never asked money from him nor i think to love him because of his money then how could he said this“you are a wrong person i happy that i never dated you!!”i said and looked at him coldly

He looked at me for sometime then again i Started walking out

“STOP!!”he said shoutingly i stopped at my spot now what left i turned and looked at him he came closer to me and stand infront of me

be happy with jimin..just don't hurt him he is so precious friend of mine..!!”he said and passed out from my side while i was recovering what he just said and i looked at his disappearing figure

“what's going on your mind jungkook?”i sighed heavily and then headed to my room

Jungkook was hiding behind the wall and was looking at yn's disappearing figure from distant and sighed sadly

“hate me yn i did so wrong with by thinking you a wrong person back then”

“hate me so much that you would have a better life with jimin!!”

He said and walked out from there with a sad face...

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