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That day jungkook couldn't control himself and only cried the whole time nothing care about anything how he will control when his first love, first childhood love don't love him he is broken.. his heart is aching so much he can't resist this pain anymore until he talk with her until he make everything clear between them he stood up after washing his face his head is hurting so much becoz of crying he took his bike key and ran towards door but when he opened the door he was confused to see Jenna stand up out he frowned Jenna looked at him like she is shocked to see his sudden came out

“where are you going?”jenna asked like she dont know anything jungkook didnot thought to answer her and started going out until Jenna hold in his hand he looked back at her

“where are you going?”she again asked making jungkook angry

“leave my hand Jenna!!”he speak in anger Jenna leave his hand

“are you going to meet yn?if yes then don't go!!”she said and looked at him

“Why?”he speak out in frustration

“because she is with a boy!!maybe her boyfriend!!”

Jungkook’s blood boiled in anger he looked at her and hold her arms“will you recognise the guy?if i show you picture?”jungkook groaned

“y-yeah!!”she said in pain becoz of jungkook’s tight hold jungkook held her hand and take her inside the house and took the photo from floor

“is this the guy?”he asked Jenna shooked her head in no

“i-i know that guy!!he is my neighbour!!”jungkook looked at her when she said that

“do you have his number!?”he asked Jenna nodded

“call him here!!”jungkook said and sit on the couch but he is not feeling good staying here anymore he just wanted to go to yn and solved everything Jenna called that guy‘ken’in no time he just came isnot it a little suspicious how he came so fast but for jungkook he just wanted to know the truth nothing else he didnot find anything odd

“why you call me here Jenna?”ken asked her and looked at jungkook like he don't know anything

“do you know this girl?”jungkook showed yn’s picture from his phone ken took his phone and show the photo clearly

“yeah!! How can I forgot this girl!!”he smiled with a smirk and licked his lip

“how you know her?”jungkook asked him angrily

“why?do you also want to spent night with this hot chick!!”a strong punch landed on his face and he touched the ground

“watch your mouth before saying something b@stard..!!” jungkook again went to punch him but Jenna hold him

“jungkook stop it!!”jenna said and signalled ken to stand up

Ken hold his left cheek with his hand and looked at jungkook“i said the truth!!i give that girl money to spent night with me!!”ken said

“if you want i can show you pics also about our moment!!!”

“JUST F..CKING GET OUT FROM HERE!!”jungkook roared Jenna signalled ken to leave and he did the same jungkook kneeled down on the floor and this time his tears are not coming but anger is showing in his eyes

“i never thought yn is this cheap!!”jenna said and bent down in his level

What a bitch she is broken her friends heart into pieces we know one sided loved always hurt but that doesn't mean we will do something bad with others relationship but this girl crossed her all limits First she broke jungkook’s heart and create misunderstanding and now she is making yn’s character bad...

“jenna go from here!!leave me alone!!”he said and went to his room she stood up and started leaving because she don't want to be jungkook anger’s reason

Maybe she apart them or it was written on destiny but doing this she also lose jungkook she lost his friendship with her after that day yn proposed jungkook infront of everyone but what he did he broke her heart thinking her a shameless Girl

He got to know about jenna’s plan six month ago when he went to his hometown when yn came to Seoul yeah he was speechless he is regreting his all misdeed with yn but what worth now yn is happy with jimin isnot it she is more way happy with jimin than him that's why he is distancing himself from them because he also wants to see them happy but he is also human his heart also ache seeing them together that's why he is changing his attitude towards them he is making himself hate by them


“yaah!!what take you so long?”sana asked her

“actually- nothing !!"she didn't said about jungkook to her

“what happened girls?”taehyung came to their room they both looked at him

“nothing..you say!!”sana said with no emotion

“babe tell me one thing why you always behave annoyed when i came!!”taehyung asked with frowned

“i don't know!! Maybe seeing my mood swings started!!!”sana said taehyung rolled his eyes

“dont fight!! tell them the reason to came their class”jimin said and stood beside yn..yn looked at him confusingly

“you tell your girlfriend!! Mine is already in no mood!!”taehyung sighed frustratedly

“what’s it oppa?”yn asked

“how long you are going to call him oppa?”sana said irritatingly

“its sound cute from her mouth!!”jimin said and looked at yn making her blush a bit but she hide her blushing face from them

“we are going to a party tomorrow!!”jimin said Sana excitedly clap her hand making taehyung chuckled

“atleast you feel excited to go to party!!”taehyung teased her

“no!! I feel excited to go with you!!”sana said and looked other side

“really?”taehyung asked in shocked

“yeah she loves you but don't show that!!”yn said from behind

“yeah i also love someone but she don't show it!!”jimin said and leaned close to yn

“i-i?”yn nervously utter everyone started laughing at her she hide her blush face into jimin’s chest and he chuckled seeing his shy girlfriend

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