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Yn pov-

I was doing my college work in the library but someone approached to me i looked at the person and after looking at him i smiled politely and asked him to sit with me he did the same and sit on the seat in this college he is the only one boy whom i talked because he saved me that day if he should not have saved me that maybe

“hey yn are you?”i was so focus on my thinking that i didn't even heared him calling me i just nodded as yes

“are you free today?”he again asked me making me looked at him confusingly

“why jimin oppa!?”i asked him making him smile a little he patted my hear and looked at me

“nothing just a simple date with you!!”he simply said that but that‘date’word give me shocked i never thought he will asked that i was too shocked to answer his question after having very sad love ending in my life i never thought to date anyone again and i know my answer will be no for him

“a date? With me?”i asked him making him a little sad i don't like the sad smile in his face after all he is the cheerful person and always like to smile but i cant do anything

“its oky if you don't want..i just asked..but can we go home together today?”he again asked but this time i don't want to say no to him and it's just a going home together so i just say yes and smiled at him he smiled and went to his class

“never thought in my life that i will see you smiling again yn after that accident you never smiled like this”i looked back after hearing this and saw Sana yeah she is right after that accident i never smiled like this again but after meeting jimin and the way he just talk made me smile

“your assignment finished?”i asked her she just tiredly took out her book and was smilies sadly

“not yet girl..why we have to do this much assignment!!?”she just too frustrated i can say the way she is talking


“lets go then, btw where is your bestfriend?”he asked her and she looked at

“yeah she left for home because she was having head ache i asked to go with her but she denied”i simply just said he made a ‘O’face after hearing me

“and what about your friends?”i asked him

“you know that i have friends? Because whenever i see you..i found you with books only!!”he laugh at her but she just glared at him making him shut

“they went to club i guess!!”he said to her

“so you also go club like them..?”i asked him and he become serious guess i shouldn't have asked that

“yeah i also go with them..it's nothing serious right?”he smilingly said thank God he is not mad at all i know everyone go to club it's just me who never like to go to club i just nodded at him don't know what to say in this matter...

“what is your both friends name?”just to change that conversation i asked him his friends name since i also don't know about their names and never saw them because jimin was right i always kept hanging with books more than anything

“Taehyung and jungkook!!”he said but it's made me shocked as hell what he just said jungkook is he the same jungkook whom i know or its another one..i guess it's not him

“are you oky yn?”he just shout a little to make me came out of my thoughts i just flinched a little which made him worried i can see in his eyes

“ye-yeah i am all oky oppa!!”i just try to convince him that i am oky and he just nodded at me with a small smile


“yaah taehyung is not Jimin became so mysterious nowadays..”said drunk jungkook while gulping the drink with half eye open

“i think that too..but i guess it's because of the new girl who is our junior..!!”taehyung said to him while making another shot for him

“new girl? How come i don't know?”jungkook eyes opened in curiousity

“yeah you were not here that time..she is our junior jimin just helped her when she was about to got raped by jack..and after he kept talking with her..i guess he like her!!”taehyung said while gulping the 11th shot he is too drunk to stand properly both of them are drinking so much like no more tomorrow’s will come to their life again

“is that so!!? Don't forget we are known for playboy’s we don't fall for someone maybe he just got attracted with her nothing else..”jungkook kinda looked annoyed now hearing jimin like a girl but he himself don't know that once a time he also like a girl and promised her not to hurt her but ended up hurting and insulting just for his own benifit he forgot that he promised her to keep her happy in his childhood but his teenage life make him so badass that he don't even care for other's feelings

“love is only a pain...and loving a woman like loving a trash..!!”he just started yelling and taehyung was looking at him shocked..but he was not able to say anything because of being drunk his eyes were closed

“you shouldn't have said bad about women’s jungkook!!” a stern voice make him flinch..but he started smiling like a mental patient while looking at the person

“h..hey ji..jimin hyu..hyung!!”he was hiccuping while talking to him jimin just sighed while looking this two drunk man

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