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months passed there exam's also went well jungkook apologies to yn and ask for become friends again not more than friends like before but a friendship and this time truly yn was happy to become friend with him again but she was afraid thinking what if jimin got angry but he didnot he was happy more than them yn felt so lucky to have jimin in her life who trusted her fully and supported her always and jungkook is trying to move on and he already move on a bit from her it's not so easy to move on from your first love but he is trying hard and he too is so happy that both his friends found great partner os for them jimin and yn and taehyung and sana and he wished for their happiness but not everyone is feeling happy to see them happy they are burning in jealousy jack for yn and Lina for jimin both of them are behaving like mad dog and already started on their upcoming plan Lina didnot hide jack for someday because she wants to save him from jimin but she hided him cuz she knows infront of jack she can't give them viagra and then her plan will not succeed

“I am not fee..feeling well oppa!!”yn said with her weak voice on phone and is lying on the bed

“take rest i am coming to your house oky?” he said with a concern voice and worry was visible in his voice

“its oky!!go to college you are in your last session!!”she said with a weak smile


“sana is here oppa!!don't worry!!”

“oky but i will meet you later oky!!?”he said

“oky!!bye!!”she smiled and hunged up the call

Yn pov-

I am feeling so weak this days and feeling vomiting from this 2weeks and my period is also delayed after noticing all this sign i am thinking maybe!!maybe i am pre.. pregnant!!what will I do now? although jimin already said he is ready to take responsibility but still a fear is haunting me that what if his parents don't like me !! And i am also thinking about jimin's reaction that day he said that to me so that i will not think too much but what he just said that to me to convince me not for real!! Agh for now i have take test !! I lied to him Sana is not home she went to meet her parents and will come at night!! I will go to hospital for proper check up!!

After fighting with my unwanted thoughts i finally came to hospital i am really feeling embrassed cuz i am a teenage girl and everyone seeing me with a gazing eyes and siting infront of the gyno doctors room i am more awkward after 2hour finally my turn came i quietly went inside the room i bited my lower lips cuz i am feeling awkward to talk with her

“Miss yn!!you are here for a pregnancy test!!”as she asked i just nodded shyly

“please follow me to this room side!!”she said and i looked at the room where i have to do the check up i silently nodded and follow her after a check up i again sit on the chair doctor started looking at those check up papers

“congratulation yn you are 3weeks pregnant !! But you are so weak don't take stress!!”she said with a smile i dont know when but i also started smiling like a crazy person while caressing my belly

“i will give some medicine take those oky!! And tell your boyfriend to take care of you!!”

My cheeks heated up hearing about my boyfriend i am just thinking about his reaction how will he react after knowing this good news doctor already give me all necessary medicines and some diet routine i nodded and went out happily while thinking about jimin

“i will tell him tonight!!but i have to tell Sana first otherwise she will k!ll me!!”i smiled and took out my phone and dialled her number after a few ring she finally picked up the call

“hellow yn? what's up?”sana asked

“u..umm?i have a good news!!”i bited my lower lips

“really?then tell me already!!”she curiously asked

“i a..am 3 weeks pregnant!!”

“What?is this true i can't believe i am going to become aunt!! Omo yn babe just wait i will come soon to you!!take rest don't give stress to me little bean!!”she said with one go without taking breathe i smiled hearing her exciting tone

“aish!!oky oky!!”

“did you told jimin?”

“no i am gonna surprised him today at his house!!”

“oh great!!now just take rest oky!!”after a while we hung up the call and i booked a cab to go home

“its all are f..cking lies!!”he throws the paper after tearing them into pieces burning eyes are glaring at them he is breathing heavily in anger

“its all true jimin!!can't you see the pics look yn and jungkook are sleeping together!!”lina said with a concern look

“jimin you also know they were friends before!!maybe they were in friends with benefits relationship and still they have connection!!”she hold his hand but he jerked her hand off

“shut up your f...cking mouth already!!”he shout angrily

“oky don't believe but truth is truth she is cheating on you with your friend!!”she said and left leaving a burning jimin who is fighting with his negative thoughts

“why you both did this?i will never forgive you both!!”he said while kneeling down on the floor and hot tears are streaming from his burning eyes

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