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“JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! YOU ARE A CHEATER YN!!”jimin shout in anger everyone came from there room to living room and saw jimin with his rageful eyes and yn with teary eyes

“I...i didnot did anything oppa...why don't you trust me..!!”she said with a trembling voice and a tear left from her eyes

“what happened here?jimin why are you shouting?”taehyung asked while jungkook was just looking at yn

“why don't you ask them both!!”jimin scoffed and said while looking at yn and jungkook

“why are you looking at me?”jungkook asked being whole confused

Jimin's anger increase more hearing his voice he looked at yn and sighed in anger“why you both cheated on me?if you both would have told me that you both still love eachother i will never came between you two!!”jimin said and this time his tears also came out from eyes while the other hand jungkook was still in confused

“Opp..oppa those pics are not real...don't you trust me...!!”yn said

“dont called me oppa!!”he gritted his teeth in anger before replying her

“what happened?which pics?”taehyung asked then jungkook's eyes fell on some photo's which are on the table he went towards there and picked up those pics his eyes widened in shocked

“W..WHAT IS THIS?”jungkook shouted in shocked which make everyone looked at them he turned towards jimin and looked at him

“believe me it's not true!!”jungkook said

“i..i can never imagined doing this with my friends girlfriend!!”he said but Jimin didn't think to believe him

Jimin looked at jungkook and yn with no expression like he don't even wants to see there face anymore not only face but them he don't even wants to see them again in his life jimin went towards jungkook and took those pics from his hand

“its showing the truth of my friend and girlfriend's relationship!!”he scoffed while seeing the pic to jungkook taehyung also went towards them and looked at the pics he also got shocked seeing those pics which no one can even imagined

“believe me hyung it's not us!!maybe i did love her but it was past and now she is yours!!”jungkook said and looked at yn who is crying but Jimin didn't bothered to look at her once

“i don't trust her anymore nor you!!”jimin said and went towards yn and looked at her angrily

“get out before i said something to you or do something to!!”jimin said calmly with his angry voice yn looked at his eyes which is only showing hatred for her

“ple..please tr..trust me!!”

“GET OUT YN!!”he shout yn flinched and looked at him scaredly seeing his anger taehyung and jungkook also went towards them

“jimin listen don't shout at her!!”taehyung said while looking at yn


“dont talk to me jungkook or i will kill you!!”jimin said while still he is staring at yn angrily

“its also happened with me i also did the same with her just believing some pics!!”jungkook said and looked at yn guiltyly

“maybe you did!! But this time is not fake!!”jimin said

When yn didn't move from her place he himself hold her hand tightly and started walking towards door side and throw her out “Dont come again!!”he said and closed the door angrily

finally she is here, she is looking so pretty!!”he laugh while looking at yn's unconscious body

“now only jimin is left!! I am gonna make him mine!!”lina said while smiling at yn

“umm Lina i am thinking to marry her so i can abuse her daily!!what you say?”jack said

“i will like to see you marry her!!”lina said with a smirk

Yn Stared coming in her sense but her vision was still blurry and she hardly can listen their conversation she looked at them with her blurry eyes and tried to listen their conversation

“how did i came here?i..i was...when i was coming home from jimin's house someone inject me something from behind and i am here now!!”she whispered to herself while remembering the things

“those fake pics idea was awesome!!”jack said while giving high five to Lina

”yeah poor jimin trusted me !!”lina laughed

That means they give those fake pics to him”yn said

”Yn?YN!!!”sana shouted her name while coming inside the house with fast steps taehyung came after hearing her voice

“sa..Sana what are you doing here?”taehyung asked he knows the reason why she came but still he asked

“Where is yn taehyung?”sana said worriedly

“What do you mean by that?she didn't reached home yet!!”taehyung shout in shocked

“No tell me where is she?she came here to tell jimin...”

“to tell me what?”jimin coldly asked after coming out from room

“where is she?”sana immediately went towards him

“i don't know!!”he rolled his eyes

“The hell you don't know!! Do you know she is pregnant with your child!!?”sana raised her voice at him hearing her jungkook also came out and sterned by her last sentence

Jimin got shocked he looked at Sana shockingly “Wh..what do you mean?”

“she came here to tell you about her pregnancy!!”sana said

“what you did with her!!?if you don't want the baby is oky i will take care of her just tell me where is she?”sana said while pleading him to say

“i..i don't know!!nor i know about her pregnancy!!”he said with a trembling voice

“I...i have to find her!!”jimin said and rashed towards outside while jungkook also followed him

“What happened here?”sana said while looking at taehyung

“actually!!”taehyung said everything to her

“how can he think that!!”sana said in anger

“listen Sana it's all misunderstanding don't take him wrong!!”taehyung said but Sana just jerked his hand in anger

“find my friend!!”sana said angrily

                           {Sorry for the late post}

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