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He came inside the room and looked at her unconscious body he sighed heavily in guilt and worried and sit beside her he looked at her lovingly and stroked her hair

“Forgive me ! I didn't trusted you!!”he said while tears left from his eyes

He caressed her cheeks and smiled a little “give me a second chance baby!!”he said to himself while his eyes were fix at her unconscious body

Unknowningly tears are making their ways in his eyes his all thoughts are giving him guilt and pain that he didn't trusted her at all didnot think to listen to her first

For his stupidity she was in danger along with his unborn baby if something would have happened with them he wouldn't able to forgive himself ever...

He was thinking all while his eyes are closed and tears are flowing from his eyes while his hand is holding her hand softly

Yn opened her eyes slowly and looked at him her vision is little bit blur for which she is not able to see him properly and was blinking to clear her view jimin saw her moving figure and wiped off his tears

“Ji..jimin?”she said weakly and tried to sit on the bed

“Wait yn don't move!!”he said while holding her

She didn't moved further and layed on the bed again and looked at him her vision is clear now

“Y..you cried?”she asked he just looked at her without saying anything “you cried ryt?”she again asked

“No i di...didnot!! Wait i will call the doctor!!”he said and went out of the room he is afraid of facing her thats why he leave the room

Yn looked at his disappearing figure and sighed sadly “you still don't trust me jimin!!?”she asked to herself


“Doctor she is oky now right?”

“yes miss Sana she is all oky now!!”doctor said and left while Sana nodded

“Where is jimin?”yn asked when Sana went towards her sit on the chair

“he is outside!!”she said

“does he still think that i cheated on him?do he ha..hates me now?”she said while tears filled up in her eyes

”no yn is not like that!!he loves you!!”sana said and wiped her tears off and cupped her face

“then why he is not talking with me!!”she said

“He is feeling guilty and afraid to face you that's why!!”sana said and sighed

“I wants to talk to him!!”yn said sternly Sana nodded and went out to call him

After a while jimin came and sit infront of her but didn't looked at her he is afraid of looking at her eyes because he is the one who make her cry ,for him she was in danger and now he is afraid of losing her afraid that she might broke up with him

Yn didn't said anything and looked at him she knows he is feeling guilty by looking at him she knows he is blaming himself

It's been half hour but both of them didn't utter a word and the room is filled with silence jimin is looking down while yn is looking at him

“I am sorry!!forgive me!!”

It's the first word he said after half hour but still didn't looked at her when she didn't answered he looked at her saw her seeing him already

“When i said i am mad at you!?”yn said and looked at him jimin looked at her and then looked aside

“No you didn't!!it's just me who didn't trusted you and said bad about you!!”he said

“Its not your fault too!!don't blame yourself!!”she said softly and hold his hand


They both looked at the door and found her parents there she was a little shocked and scared thinking what will be their reaction when they will find out that she is pregnant

“Eo..eomma?App..appa?you both here?” she asked while they both came to her

“sana told us that you are in hospital!!what happened baby!!?are you oky now??”her mom said while caressing her face she nodded at her mother

“Jimin my eomma appa!!”she said her mom dad looked at him while he bowed at them and greet them they smiled at him

“And eo..eomma app..appa he is...”

“Your boyfriend!!”her mom said while yn and jimin was shocked that how they know him

“ho..how?”yn mumbled

“Me!!i told them everything from the starting of your relationship they both know about this i told them everything including your pregnancy!!”sana said and came inside smilingly

Yn glared at her cuz she told them everything about her she don't even know this Sana looked at her glaring face and giggled awkwardly and hide behind yn's mother


“do i have to go!?i am not going i am afraid!!”she said and bite her lips in nervousness

“dont behave like baby lets come with me no one will eat you there!!”he said while chuckling and cupped her face

“yaah i am not baby!!jimin!!”she said and pout

“yeah yeah i know you are not a baby!!but a 4 month pregnant woman!!now let's go!!”he said and hold her hand

“why you are nervous daughter!!”

“isnot like that aunty!!”yn said and smiled at her

“aunty?jimin you didn't told her that now i am her mother too!!”she said and chuckled

“what will I do mom?your daughter in law is like a baby!!”he said while putting his hand on her waist while she just glared at him

“hey don't tease my daughter like that!!”his dad said

“woah you both meet her first today but still she became both of your lovely daughter you all forgot me huh?”he faked cried and complained to them while all of them laughed at him

             Sorry for late post🙇‍♀️🧸

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