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Wearing a beautiful short dress she smiled and looked herself at the mirror the dress fit her so beautifully she is looking like an angel in this dress but this happiness is not for the dress but for the man who bought this beautiful dress for his beautiful lady

“wow my girl is looking beautiful!!”she turned back and saw her handsome boyfriend coming inside her room she smiled at him

“you are looking so beautiful mah lady!!”he said and pulled her closed to him by her waist making no distance between them she looked down because of shyness

“you too looking handsome!!”only this words come from her mouth but still she didn't looked at his eyes

“aww baby you know your shy behaviour always make me fall for you hard!!”he said and leaned closer to her face shivered run down in her spine by hearing his deep and husky voice

“baby looked at me!!”he said his breath is hitting on her face she looked at him shyly
He cupped her cheek with his one hand and pulled her more closed to him he started leaning close to her lip she closed her eyes

“We both are ready!!”taehyung shouted while coming inside their room without locking making both them backed off they both looked at him embarassingly but Jimin is glaring at him for ruining his moment

“why you are glaring at me??did i did something wrong again??”he said while looking both of them

“you person is wrong man with wrong timing!!”he mumbled to himself yn laugh at jimin's pissed off face

“where is Sana??”yn asked

“inside the car..you know nah your friends mood swings..i don't know why her mood always changed infront of me!!”taehyung sighed

“dont worry she is just teasing you after all she is the one who was so excited to go with you!!”yn said and chuckled making taehyung's mood light up a bit

“so let's go!!”jimin said  and hold yn hand
And looked at her she nodded at him they all headed to outside...

They both came to the hotel room Sana and taehyung went to their room and yn and jimin came to their room the room is so beautifully decorated with heart shape red balloons,candles and rose petals...like a honeymoon place yn looked at jimin with a confused looks he smiled at her

“arenot we supposed to go to a party??”yn asked confusingly

“no i just planned a surprise for you darling..it's our six months of dating so i wants to celebrate with you!!”he said and looked at her

“but isnot the room is like--”

“A honeymoon room yeah you can say that too darling!!”he said

“so let's celebrate!!?”he said and looked at her eyes...she felt goosebumps in her body looking at his deep eyes which is look like a ocean she nodded slighty still not breaking the eye contact with him

He made her sit on the chair and himself sit infront of her obviously on the table there is redvelvet cake , chocolates , drinks and light foods for them they both started eating as we all know yn don't drink too much because she can't handle drink so she drink two glass where is jimin he can tolerate heavy drinks so he don't mind gulping the whole bottle...
“WHAT?YOU MIXED VIAGRA ON THEIR DRINK?”sana exclaimed shockedly making taehyung gulped in fear he immediately put his hand on her mouth

“shh..i didnot mean it..i said the waiter to mix--”he stopped for a moment in fear as what he is going to say further will really Sana kill him Sana looked at him seriously and put off his hands from his mouth

“then for whom you said??”sana asked seriously at him making him nervous as hell

“we have a classmate he told me to mix viagra in his and his girlfriends drink..i don't know the reason!!”he said lowly but Sana heared him clearly

“oh god!! taehyung what if they got drink!!”sana said and sit on the bed frustratedly

“hey it's not a big deal right they are boyfriend girlfriend!!”taehyung tried to make Sana understand she just nodded and sighed heavily
thanks for doing this!!”lina give money to the boy

“its not taehyung's fault he believed me gosh why should I mix viagra on our drinks when i can do it by my own sense!!”he laughed thinking about the rest

“actually he is not a dumb person it's just you emotionally black mail him by saying your girlfriend will leave you..blah blah!!”they both laugh at their talks

“but what's is the reason of doing this?”the boy asked Lina

you will get know don't worry..!!now go from here!!”

That boy somehow managed taehyung to put viagra on their drinks by emotionally blackmailing him which he accepted as he is also their classmate and classmate is always likes a friend and that boy can't mixed viagra because this restaurant is jimin's father's restaurant so when taehyung ordered the waiter to do this he accepted because taehyung is jimin's friend but that boy somehow send those drinks to jimin's room...

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