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why you told the bar tender to mixed medicine?”jack asked to Lina

“i told him to mixed on mark’s drink...I don't want his interfere in my plan!!"Lina said

“hmm!! Your boyfriend is jimin’s good friend!!"jack said

“yes that's why!!”she said

“u-umm oppa?i am going to washroom!!”yn said because she is a little bit drunk so she wants to wash her face

“oky..come fast!!”he said and smiled at her she leave to washroom and jimin was staring at her

Jimin pov-

“i am not feeling good vibe..i am watching her disappearing figure but my heart is saying something is going to be bad happen here..should i go with her..?but she will feel uncomfortable!!”he was thinking while looking at her yn already left from there

She came to the washroom and was washing her face with cold water and was blinking her eyes because of drunkenness even she drank only few shots but as it's her first time she is feeling weak and dizzy she started wiping her face

“good!!let's go jimin oppa is waiting!!”she said and started going outside as she was walking someone grabbed her hand and pulled her inside a room

“WHO!?”she just screamed but the man put his hand on her mouth and make her shut up she looked at the person and became shock

missed me babygirl?”he said and smirked at her but she was struggling to let out from his hand

why you are struggling keep your energy for the night baby!!”he said and leaned closer to her face she turned her face

“no problem i have whole night to enjoy!!”he said and throw her on the bed and started walking with slow steps

“wh-what you wa-want?”her voice was not coming out because of fear

“you for the night baby!!”he said and hovered over her

“leav-leave me!!HELP!!HELP!!”she started screaming her lungs out

scream as much as you want..no one is going to come here because of the loud dj!!”he said and looked at her with lusty eyes

“that day you were saved because of jimin but what will you do now?”he said leaned closer to her neck making her closed her eyes tightly because of anger and fear

“Dont t0uched me!!HELP!!SANA!!JIMIN!! TAEHYUNG!!JIMIN!!”

f..cking stopped your shouting go to them after pleasing me!!”he said and pinned her hands above her head...

let me enjoy now!!”he started opening her dress but she was kept struggling in his griefed because of that he was not able to opened her dress

F..CKING STOPPED!!”he shouted at her angrily she was sobbing thinking today she will not able to saved from him

“ahh!!”yn opened her eyes after hearing the groaned and saw jack lying on the floor and then she saw at the person who punched him and started crying

“Op-oppa?”jimin ran towards her and hugged her

“you are oky love?”he said and started patting her back

Jimin pov-

“i was waiting for yn for almost 30minutes and she was taking so much time and as she was drunk so i thought to check on her but when i went to the restroom there was no one so i started searching for her and then i heared a girl screaming for help and when i came closed to that i heared the voice again and i realised it's yn’s voice my heart started beating fast because of fear and when i came to that room i saw the door open and a man was hovering over her and was leaning closer to her face and she was crying seeing him over her made my blood boiled in anger i walk fast to him which he didnot noticed and punched him hard on the face and he fell down from the bed

“op-oppa he was trying to!!”her voice was cracking because of fear jimin looked at her eyes

“nothing happened yn!!”he said softly

Jimin..what you have problem with me huh?”he said and stand up from the floor and was gritting his teeths angrily

“you tried to harassed her when she was a new student and got beaten up by me..but maybe this time i am not going to leave you because this time you t0uched my girlfriend!!you heared she is my girlfriend!!PARK JIMIN’S OFFICIAL GIRLFRIEND!!”he said and punched him again

They both started fighting jack punched jimin on the face which made a cut on jimin’s lip and was bleeding but Jimin was continuesly punching him which made jack weak but Jimin was not stopping you started shivering seeing them and was sobbing seeing this side of jimin

“Yn?”a girl voiced echoed and you looked at the direction

“Jimin stopped!!”taehyung also came inside the room with Sana

Because you both were missing at the party they both started searching for you both and came to this room because the room door was open and they listened the voice of groaned in pain so they quickly entered

“Jimin stopped punching him he is about to die!!”taehyung said and started pulling jimin but he was not moving

“Yn what happened?”sana said came towards you...you quickly hugged her and started sobbing hard Sana hugged you back and started rubbing your back softly

“he wa-was abo-about to ra-raped me?”she said and cried more in her embrace sana got angry on jack because this is the second time he tried to t0uched yn taehyung looked at yn feel worried as he can say how much yn is afraid of jimin seeing his this side

“HOW....DARE...YOU....TO...T0UCHED...HER..!!”jimin loudly one by one word said and punched jack more on his face

“jimin stopped and take yn home see she is scared!!”taehyung said jimin looked at you who was still hugging Sana in fear he last time punched jack and leave him and came towards her

“yn let's go home!!”he softly said Sana broked the hug but due to cry yn became unconscious

“she is unconscious jimin!!”sana said and looked at jimin

Jimin came closed to you and picked you up in bridal style while taehyung and Sana also started coming out from the room taehyung went to car while jimin was carrying you and was looking at your unconscious figure worriedly he sit in the back seat and laid your head on his lap taehyung started driving and jimin was caressing your head

They all came to home jimin take you out from the car and started walking inside the house taking you in his arms and started walked towards your room he layed you on the bed and covered you with the blanket and sit beside the bed

“i am staying at her room..you both go and sleep!!”jimin said Sana and taehyung nodded

“if you want something called me!!"Sana said leave from the room

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