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“o..oppa i am not fe..feeling well!!”yn said while holding her head as she is feeling dizzy after gulping one glass she always lost control on herself and feeling so uneasy

“y..yeah me t...too!!”while the other hand jimin is also feeling same his hormones are already working on his body making him lose control on himself

“i..i ca..can't co.. control th..this any..anymore!!”she said while tears are coming from her eyes because of the uneasyness she is Feeling in her body right now

“y..yn i al...also ca..can't.. pl..please he..help me!!”he said while holding her hand and pleaded to her she nodded without wasting time

He immediately throws her on the bed softly making her jiggling on the bed and hovered over her and started k!ssing her roughly while she was moaning while closing her eyes jimin's hands already make their ways to her clothes and started opening them in a hurry without breaking the rough and hungry k!ss remov!ng her cl0thes he makes his way to her neck to chest part and started giving her rough
k!sses there too he backed off and started opening his dress with a hurry almost
r!pping his clothes and throws them on the floor and again hovered over her while his hands and lips are doing good job on her tiny body after l!cking and svcking her body he looked at her eyes which were already looking at him

“tell me if you feel pain!!”he said and
k!ssed on her forehead she nodded at him and he positioned himself

ahh!!o..oppa!!”yn moaned in pain when jimin pushed himself inside her..tears build up in her eyes jimin looked at her and k!ssed her tears

“no oppa call me jimin today darling!!”he said and pushed himself more inside her and started thrusting

“aa..ahh ji..jimin!!”

“ye..yes Li..like this dar..darling moan my name!!”he said while moaning

Like this both of them started enjoying the night with pleasure maybe both of them get physical because of viagra but still there was all love between them only love was visible in both of their eyes whenever jimin went inside her only love was visibled in his eyes
next day•

Yn woke up with a heavy headache and pain in abdomen pain she slowly opened her eyes and looked at herself only to found she is n@ked she widened her eyes in shocked and looked at her beside only to found jimin sleeping peacefully and he too is n@ked only the bedsheet is covering their body she sit up on the bed with a scared face and started remembering everything about last night and looked at her clothes which are lying on the floor

“op..oppa!!”she called him with a fear and started shaking his body he frowned and opened his eyes annoyingly

“what happened taehyung?let me sleep!!”he said with his half opened eyes with a sleepy tone

“oppa it's me yn!!”she again called him hearing her voice he woke up and looked both of them and sit up

“W..we are?i..i mean we sl..slept together?”he asked with a confused face

“y..yeah!!”she terribly said

He looked at her face with shocked not believing what she said because in this 6 months they both didn't even k!ssed because yn don't like to be physical and now both of them ended up having s€x together soon his facial expression changed into smirk and looked at with a smirk she frowned looking at his face

“wh..what??”she asked with a confusion
But he didn't answered her question and hovered over her making her whole shocked in fear

“op..oppa wh..what are you do..doing?”she said while her both hands are on his shoulder

“tell me babe did you enjoyed last night?”he said with a smirk and leaned closer to her face btw both of them are n@ked and the bedsheet is covering their body

“wh..what?”she said while her face already turned into red

“tell me did you enjoyed?or we can do again!!”he said whisperingly in her ears with his husky voice making her weak infront of him she came to her sense and pushed him slightly making him get off from her

“op..oppa wh..what if i ge..get pre.. pregnant??”she said while her eyes started filling with tears he came closer to her face and cupped her cheeks

“i am ready to take responsibility!! Your and our future's baby!!”he said wiped her tears off and k!ssed on her forehead gently she looked at him with a happy tears and hugged him he also hugged her back

“now get ready they must be waiting for us!!”she nodded at him and started getting off from bed but her legs are not giving her strength after last night he looked at her having problem in walking he went to her and picked her up

“seems like i was so rough last night!!”he said with a smirk and started walking towards the washroom she hided her blush face on his chest

“babe!!?”he called her softly she hummed in his called

“will you mind if we take bath together!!?”he said looking at her eyes

“wh..what?to.. together??”she shyly asked

“yeah!! will you mind?he again asked she nodded at him that she have no problem taking bath with him he smiled and closed the washroom door


its my first time making this type of parts so don't mind i never make 18+ parts 😅i am not good at making 18+

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