Chapter 5: the lost scroll is actually lost

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Ninjas POV

They watched as the door shut behind her.

"Well, that was a waste of time" kai said sarcastically as jay hopped into the chair that grey phantom was sitting on a couple seconds ago.

"She really wasn't kidding; this chair is uncomfortable" as he shifted in his seat.

"Focus what we do now" Cole said.

"What is there to do? She clearly isn't interested, and you hear what she said it sounds like she plans to escape soon" Zane answered sounding concerned.

"Well, we can't let that happen we barely caught her the last time" worried Jay as they started filing through the door.

It is true the only reason she was behind bars was because she turned herself in.

"Well at least we know that she isn't a threat and that is all that matters remember that is why we came here in the first place" said Lloyd as he bumped into something.

He looked down to see a blur of black hair with a book lying next to him on the floor.

"Oh, I am sorry I wasn't looking '' Lloyd offered his hand.

The kid stared at it for a minute before he turned his startling crystal blue eyes on Lloyd.

"No thanks, I like the floor" he replied uninterested as he laid on his back.

"What" Lloyd's hand fell to his side.

"I Said I like th- "the kid repeated

"No no we heard you the first time" Jay interrupted.

"Kian where you run off Karloff look for you everywhere" Karloff appeared around the corner

"What you doing on floor?" he looked confused

"I like it, it is very comfortable" as he looked at his companion.

"Karloff you know this kid" Cole's eyes darted between the Karloff and the kid in the suit. Why was he wearing a suit in prison? Cole had no idea.

"No, he just likes to search for random kids in prison hallways" said the kid as he sat up.

"He is a little shit, isn't he?" Whispered Jay to Cole.

Kai picked up the book. "The legend of Querencia crest I never heard of this one before" read Zane over kais shoulder.

"Come on get up" Karloff encouraged.

"But I like the floor" frowned the freckled kid.

"If you don't get up Karloff take you home " that seemed to work.

"Even though our time was short I will never forget you" He laid on his stomach in an attempt to hug the floor then got up.

"What ninja do in prison?" Karloff faced the ninja with a confused look on his face.

"Just a tiny interrogation" kai shrugged.

"I think the bigger question is what are you doing with a child in prison" Zane eyed the kid

"Karloff babysit" was all they got.

Before they could ask anymore, Nya's' voice came through.

"Ninja they need you at the Ninjago museum for artifacts someone is holding the staff and a couple of civilians hostage."

"We are one our way" Kai handed the Kian his book.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Karloff but we gotta go" Cole waved as they left.

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