Chapter 9: Kill your darlings

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Evies pov

She was gonna risk getting hit by that damned stick again. Why did she even agree to this? Evie was already running on 1 hour of sleep and 3 cups of coffee, meditating was torture how long has it been since she hadn't moved 30 maybe 40 minutes. If she just shifted a bit, he wouldn't notice a small change tha- "OWW '' Evie rubbed her arm.

This crazy old man "Stop moving its only been a minute and 20 seconds."

Evie stretched her legs in front of her "No offense sensei but i still hate this exercise" she said. Honestly hate couldn't even begin to describe how much she loathed this stupid exercise. The first time she met sensei wu she made the stupid mistake of asking if she could join him in meditating. A few years later they meet again and she still hates it.

Sensei Wu gave her a tired sigh. It was almost time to pick kian up from school, the entire ride this morning was him gushing about sunrise exercise. Evie wasn't sure what he said she was trying her best not to fall off obsidian because of her hangover.

But that reminded her of why she put her self through this torture "Sensei wu i was wondering if i could talk to yu about a sensitive topic"

"Ofcourse go ahead," he said.

"How would you feel about training another.....elemental master" she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"You're an elemental master" he said way too casually. "NO no no not me its" she took a deep breath " Its kian he is an elemental master i tried training him and so far i have been winging it elemental powers are out of my league i can't teach him what i don't know so in exchange for my help in your quest i am asking you to train him"

"Why wasn't this request in your list? '' He recounted the list of tasks she presented to him yesterday.

"I had to be sure of a couple of things," she said. She could have said that she wanted to make sure that he was in the dark about a couple of things but that seemed rude.

"What is his element?" he asked her. She took the flower that kian gave her last time "Crystal'' she handed it to sensei "He can manipulate it, forge weapons throw shards sharp enough at his opponents but he hadn't discovered his full potential"

"I see" was all he said as he examined the flower. 

Evie decided that this was good enough for her and got up to leave just as she reached the door she heard him calling her name "Oh and grey"

She gave him a questioning look "Please refrain from turning our kitchen into a bakery. I enjoyed the treats very much but my pupils need to be in top shape" he said. That made her chuckle, last night she couldn't get any sleep and started baking soon without realizing it time had flown by and it was time to take kian to school.

She left not making any promises.

Next stop operation room. As soon as she stepped in her eyes locked with misako. She still hated misako but that didn't mean that she wouldn't cooperate with her.

"Took you long enough, I had been waiting all morning for you," misako said. "And i was busy thank you for waiting tho" cooperating didn't mean she had to be nice.

For the next few minutes evie spent reading the map she didn't find anything helpful. It looked like any other map of ninjago but it was written in her mother tongue. Eventually something caught her eye.

"Huh never thought it would come to this but okay" she said. She pulled out a pen and paper and started scribbling down.

"What have you found?" Misako tried to see what Evie was working on but she didn't understand most of it.

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