Chapter 7: Popular girl graduate's prison

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Evies POV

"I am not drunk enough for this; do you have anything stronger?" Evie was standing in the middle of pythors cell with Captain Soto, pythor and the strongest drink the pirate captain could offer in her hand.

"Little phantom I don't understand why you are so nervous you have faced the crooked ninja many times and came out victories" Pythor tried to reassure.

Evie's managed to sneak back in undetected pythor was the only one who knew of her little trip, and he covered up for her. Somehow, she reached the prison before the ninja.

"I am afraid this was my strongest grey," Soto said. She took a sip.

"What do you guys know about Crestsmyrmidors? "She asked. Surely, they would have encountered them one way or the other after all they were old as fuck.

"Ah, back in my days they were disgusting with their honorable moral codes and loyalty to each other wouldn't let us bribe them or even steal some gold from their ships" captain Soto recounted.

"They had a very specific taste to them, almost sweet" Pythor hissed, his face looking blissful.

"Okay so you tried to rob them and you ate them great thanks guys" Evie gulped down the drink in her hand as an officer came into view.

"Grey phantom" he said.

"I am coming" she stormed past him to the interrogation room.

As she reached the door, she tried composing herself if what Karloff said was true then she was royally screwed.

The ninja were in the observation room waiting she waltzed in her hair in a glamorous updo that was falling apart. She sat in the chair available and put her feet on the table.

The ninja went in.

"Welcome I take it this is about crestmyrmidons ?" She seemed carefree.

Key word: seemed.

"Listen Grey we need the book" started jay. They figured that she probably knew why they were here if she already knew about the crestmyrndions.

"Let's say I give you the book, how will you read it" filing her nails. Where did she get that? They had no idea and no time to question it.

"I don't think that would be any of your business" kai said defensively, even if they could not read it doesn't mean he will give her the satisfaction of having the upper hand.

"Karloff won't help you if that is what you are counting on?" She looked over at Lloyd.

"Yeah, what makes you so sure we can't read it? '' Jay asked. Surely Wu or Misako could, right? NOPE they can't and she knew that.

"Because if you could, -" with one hand in her pocket she summoned the void and pulled out The legend of Querencia crest "the map would have been enough "she slammed the book on the table.

She was hoping they would bite.

And bite they did.

The nindroid picked up the book and started flipping through the pages before he admitted.

"Well, it seems like we are in a pickle for I can't seem to be able to decode this."

Cole ran a hand through his hair "Now what?"

"Now you swallow your pride and ask for help," said Sensei Wu as he made a dramatic entrance.

"Listen to your sensei kids he is very wise" nodding her head in sensei direction.

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