Chapter 18: Kai gets no answers.

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Nothing could have prepared kai for the sight of a little girl being chained up against the wall, no more than 6 or 7. The chains around her hands were pulled high keeping her standing. Her small supposedly white dress was tattered and ripped up no more than just a piece of dirty fabric holding on for dear life. Her very short hair that was barely touching her shoulder and looking like it hasn't been washed in days. She was barely skin and bones.

It startled Kai when she started talking, her voice raspy and scratchy no more than a whisper, swaying slightly ever so slightly, repeating the mantra like it would save her.

"Surviving is not a skill, it's not a path or a journey it's a choice,,Surviving is not a skill, it's not a path or a journey it's a choice, Surviving is notaskill, its notapathorajourneyit's a choice,Survivingisnotaskill,itsnotapathorajourneyit'sachoice"

Kai had a distinct feeling that what he was hearing was the translated version.

It was then that a dark figure entered the room, his back was to them, the little girl still didn't raise her head, but her mantra came to an end.

"Ready to talk," it wasn't much of a question but more of a demand. The man had this darkness around him not literally, but kai could have sworn that if he squinted just a little, he would be able to see the dark smoke trailing after him.

The girl said nothing, keeping her head down.

The man moved forward and pulled the girls by the back of her hair to meet his eyes, only then did kai remember that they were in grey phantoms past, her eyes weren't quite exactly the same, kai couldn't explain it, but they were much duller, almost like they had life sucked out of them.

"I said" he pulled her hair harder "Are you ready to talk"

Frightened grey eyes looked up at the sky "I-i-i don't know anything-thing" her eyes praying for an escape.

"Come on little one" the man's voice turned softer "I know that you know what happened that day"

Little grey phantom was shaking "I s-swear I don't know I don't know I don't know" she kept on repeating it like a mantra.

"Why are you like this, don't you want to eat, aren't you thirsty? hungry '' he said in a voice that made kai believe that he didn't actually care if she was hungry or thirsty.

In just a second the memory had shattered with a loud sound from the other side of the room, as more shouting ensued. Nothing like all their memories this shattering sound was sharp and aggressive.

"Again" said a voice, it was different from the first one, but something about this felt off to kai, almost as if the voice was fake. Kai also couldn't help but think that whoever was talking had a terrifying tone even when calm.

Little grey phantom had grown a bit more, she wasn't as skinny, her dirty clothes were exchanged for black bodysuit with blue accents. Her shoulder length hair grew a few inches longer just enough to escape from the tiny ponytail that tried to hold it back. But her grey eyes were still dull.

Little grey was bent down leaning on her knees for support while inhaling loudly. Her face was slick with sweat, but she obeyed. Sending jabs and bending her body in an inhuman way to escape the kicks coming her way.


She could only get in a weak kick in before whoever she was training with caught her leg and swung her towards a wall.

"Get up"

Grey phantom always got up, Cole had once kicked her through three glass barriers, and she got up in a matter of seconds.

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