Chapter 6: the ninja get scammed by a child

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That was the word that would sufficiently describe this week as "hell."

This was even worse than the time they were fighting the serpentine. The weird assassin dudes turned out to be named CrestsMyrmidons or as the ninja liked to call them sons of bitches.

They have been terrorizing the people of Ninjago after Lloyd very kindly pointed out that they wouldn't find what they wanted in an obvious spot.

So, they started choosing random locations, attacking and destroying them thoroughly to find the lost map.

Nya, Misako and sensei Wu have been trying to look for anything that suggests a lost map, but they came up with nothing.

Nothing about the history of a lost map or about any locked gates. They hit a dead end in the research department.

In the kickass department they were getting their asses handed to them.

The CrestsMyrmidons were unbeatable; their armor was not at all affected by their elemental powers. Their fighting style was nothing the ninja have seen before even sensei Wu could not place it.

"Another dead end" Nya grunted.

"Here is an idea" began jay.

"NO" they all yelled in unison.

"You guys didn't even hear me out" he pouted.

"Your last plan ended up with us being framed of the entire thing," kai replied.

This has been the pattern for the last week they produce a plan they execute they fail and repeat.

"Uhm guys" Nya said.

"Yeah, yeah we are on it" said Lloyd as he stood up.

"32 melody drive at the edge of the city"

Once they arrived, they saw a scene they did not expect someone was already against the CrestsMyrmidons and they were winning.

Ambrose was locked in a battle with a guy that was in a suit that complimented his where Ambrose suit was made of scales and accented with crystal blue the stranger suit was entirely crystal blue accented with black.

The ninja landed and soon started backing up the mysterious force.

For the first time it seemed like they had hope of defeating them. But soon enough reinforcement came.

"Ninja leave I will find you later do not follow us "whispered the man in crystal blue as he rushed past them.

They stood there for a moment looking at the place where the agriculture was destroyed, and houses burnt down.

There was nothing they could do so they did what they were told and returned to the bounty.

—------------TIME SKIP—------------------

"Are we sure about this ?" jay said

"No, not really," Lloyd added.

The ninja were roaming Ninjago in hopes that the mysterious hooded figure would have an easier time finding them.

They kept on walking for a while. Jay was munching on a bagel when he was attacked by a creature that stole his bagel.

"Hey, I wasn't done with that '' as he followed the creature into an alleyway.

It was hard to make out the creature's features in the dark, but it looked like a scaly cat with wings; the one prominent feature were its yellow eyes.

The scaly cat stuck its tongue out and threw the bagel in Jay's face as it flew away.

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