Chapter 12: Threats and stars

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Present time

Evie POV

Evie sat in the operations room with the rest of the ninja Misako and Sensei Wu awaiting their guest. Her grey phantom mask and hood covered her face, just because the ninja knew her identity didn't mean that the rest of the world needed to know.

"Where is he?' Jay asked. As impatient as ever.

It was already late she had put Kian in bed hours ago.

"Excuse me."

Everyone in the room turned to the direction of the voice. Somehow, he had managed to enter without any of them hearing him.

It has been years since she last saw him. He changed completely but still remained the same.

The same walk and pose but with much more grief. She had a million things she wanted to say to him and yet she didn't want to say anything.

She was angry, betrayed, sad but also happy, relieved and somehow also completely okay with the situation.

Right now, they are strangers no matter how many things bind them they are now strangers to each other.

The man standing Infront of her was familiar but yet new.

He looked disheveled as if he hadn't slept in days. His hair was a mess, his beard was unshaven, and he had bags under his eyes.

"I am afraid I have made a great mistake in asking you to recover the scroll for me," he said.

"What do you mean?" Cole asked.

Evie did not just risk her entire identity only to be told that it was for nothing.

He sighed and looked around the room, his eyes landing on her, she twisted her wrist under the table. Changing her eye color to dim down and turn into a darker shade of grey.

"The crest is falling apart, the power of uncovering the scroll has messed with the balance" he said.

Querencia crest was falling apart all because they tried to help.

"Hold on but you said that if we find a piece of the scroll. Which we did! then Ninjago and your kingdom would be safe, "Lloyd said.

Evie rubbed her hand once on her throat "Alaric what happens if we destroy this piece of the scroll" her voice came out higher pitched and rusty.

Alaric's eyes found hers, those were the same eyes that she once loved and adored. The eyes that she lost to fire. The same eyes that she found blinking up at her when she believed all hope was lost.

The same eyes that are now looking straight at her for the first time and not recognizing her.

Alaric rubbed a hand down his face "The scroll is indestructible."

"What do you mean it is indestructible?" Jay asked worriedly.

"I mean that now that we have dug up one part of the scroll, we have to find the rest, or else once the imbalance is done destroying the crest it will come for you and eventually the entire world" his voice was sharp. And tone final.

Misako and sensei Wu exchanged a grave look. The rest of the team looked angry and confused. Nyas hand found Jay's gesture that Cole's eyes flew over and then turned away. An action that Evie didn't not miss.

Evie was never meant to be a hero, she knew what she was, who she was and what she wanted. But now that the possibility that none of that might happen, she might have to sacrifice more than she wanted.

After all, Evie was nothing but a player in the games, and so the game she shall play.

"We will do it" she said suddenly said. "Keep Ninjago safe and we will find the rest of the scroll."

She will regret this later. But what hasn't she ever regretted?

—------------------------------------------time skip—-----------------------------------------------------------

Evie sat on the plank of the ship. Why did they have one? she did not know. Alaric had left hours ago. Her Alaric had left hours ago.

How did he manage to enter the ship with no kind of support whatsoever they were very high in the air. She didn't know.

Why did he choose now to start an uprising? She didn't know.

It seemed like the only thing that she knew was that the sky was pretty tonight. There were no clouds and the stars seemed to shine brighter than usual. She wanted to fly among them. Be one with them.

They looked so at peace. And so was she. She was at peace. She had to be at peace. Because if she wasn't that would mean that she was not okay with everything happening around them.

And if she wasn't okay that would mea-

"-Trying to escape?"

Evie didn't need to turn around to know it was kai. The venom in his voice was enough to identify.

It was no secret that no one on the ninja team liked her. But it was abundantly clear that Kai hated her.

"Yes, let me just jump from a flying ship that is fifty thousand feet in the air with no dragon or equipment to escape" sarcasm dripped from her "I am sure i will survive."

"Ha ha" he mocked. "You think you are so cute, don't you?"

Evie nerves were haywire; she didn't have the energy to deal with this hot-headed idiot.

"Is there something that you wanted to say, or do you just stalk people in the middle of the night?" Evie asked, still not meeting his gaze.

Almost everyone has gone to bed so what was he still doing?

"Just because you are staying here longer than planned doesn't mean we will become friends or even allies" he said. "You are the enemy; we might need you for the time being but i will always remember that you are nothing but a low life thief."

Did he think that his opinion mattered to her? Evie had seen and lived through the worst shit.

A ninja who looked like an apple having a bad hair day was the least of her problems and her cares.

She stands up on the plank as it wobbles. One wrong step and she would fall. She balanced her steps carefully. Turning making her way to the deck never taking her eye off the fire ninja as she hoped down in front of him.

There were only inches between them, his glare did not waver and neither did hers, craning her neck to look up at him.

His amber eyes were such a contrast to his sisters' soft brown eyes, and they held nothing but fire and hatred for her.

Evie couldn't afford to make enemies; she had more relaying on this mission than anyone else. She needed this mission to succeed more than anyone.

"I am not here for you or your team. This is only a courtesy for sensei Wu and for my own benefit. I am here to do my job which I was hired for." Evie tilted her head to the side "I suggest you do the same. As soon as this mission is over, I will be out of your life, and you will be out of mine. Simple as that"

Kai crossed his arms over his chest "Until you start robbing and harassing people again."

"I won't be doing that anymore. Not if it means i will have to see your face again" she made sure to push him hard with her shoulder as she walked past him.

(I know that this chapter is shorter than what i usually write but bare with me.Another chapter will be released this week too)

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