Chapter 16: The ninja have daddy issues

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Evie POV

"We are lost, aren't we?"

"No, we aren't."

She wasn't even sure why she came to the operations room at dawn, she was sore from head to toe and had a massive headache. But Nya didn't sleep in their shared room last night, which obviously Evie noticed.

"Are you sure we aren't though?" Evie tilted her head slightly "This is a flying ship, it travels faster than most planes, it shouldn't have taken more than one and a half day, two at most."

Nyas short hair was tucked behind her ears, looking slightly disheveled but in a 'I meant to have it like this' kind of way. Wearing the same clothes as yesterday that were wrinkled and her eyes sunken.

When Nya didn't meet her eyes, she chuckled "Just tell me what the problem is?"

Nya sighed defeated "I can't find the place, theoretically it was supposed to be right in this area, but it wasn't so I just passed over it thinking that it might be a bit further which led us to Swindon, now we are back here but there is literally nothing but this forest."

Nya pointed to the screen that showed a digital map and the live footage of the area under them.

The next clue that Evie had translated was ifundaiem luafi or Ruins of the past. Evie had to admit that even she wasn't sure what it was. The closest thing that she could find was a very brief mention of a castle that had no builder and no owners. No one resided in it but many remembered it.

After Nya dug up a bit, she found an article about a man who explored the woods with his wife and friends and that he found a castle in the middle of the woods. He claimed that it felt like he and her were there for hours but when he left it had only been 10 minutes to his companions who waited outside.

"Give me a moment, '' Evie said, walking out onto the deck where the ninja, kian and sensei wu were performing their sunrise exercise. She took a deep breath trying to sense something from the forest under them.

She expelled part of her magic to the forest when the forest pushed back with force enough to make her stumble back.

"That is rude," she said glaring at the forest below.

"What?" Cole's voice said from behind her.

"I am talking to the forest," she said, continuing to glare at it.

She realized that she probably sounded crazy because they didn't know anything about her. When she faced them, they had all stopped exercising and were staring at her waiting for her to continue.

"We finally reached our destination. Come on people we are leaving in 10 minutes" she announced making her way to her room to change.

Nya followed her in "Why did you tell them that we arrived you know we didn't" she was angry "What exactly are you up to?"

Evie removed her top tossing it on her bed when she remembered that she was only wearing a bra under it and that if she turned, her back would be visible to Nya. "Can you hand me, my gear its right behind you."

"No" Nya said, "What is in the woods?"

"I don't know Nya" she admitted. "I don't know, okay I am in the dark like you all. All I know is that there is something in the woods. Something old and powerful and I am going after it."

Nya said nothing while walking out of the room. Evie locked the door and changed into her gear, hiding a gun on the back of her pants and her two extendable staffs inside her sleeves.

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