Chapter 11: The satchel.

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Evie's Pov

Evie was riding with zane on his dragon back to the bounty. The ninja were trying to guess what they could do to find the guy and hand him the scroll while Evie kept replaying everything that happened today.

Nobody tried to kill her today which is a plus on her part except for the snake but he was mostly targeting the ninja, probably because they look like a bowl of fruits.

They reached the bounty where sensei wu and misako were waiting for them.

"How did it go?" Misako asked.

"We got it," said Cole as he handed her the piece of paper. Its shine has dulled now.

"Where is Kian?" she asked, looking around. "He is currently sleeping don't worry little grey, I made sure that he had eaten and went to bed at a reasonable time" sensei Wu assured.

His eyes wandered down to the satchel that she was holding and fixated on the two letters that were embroidered on it. He gave a silent chuckle.

The ninja followed their sensei recounting the events of the day. She started to walk back to the room that she shared with nya when she heard "-You did a great job."

"What was that?" She turned to misako.

Misako stepped forward "You did a great job kian is an amazing kid i was wrong for what i said all those years ago."

Evie took a deep breath, misako made a mistake with Lloyd how he forgave her she had no idea, but she refused to make the same mistake with Kian.

"I am glad you and Lloyd are on good terms now" that was all she was gonna say she had nothing to say to misako.

Misako gave her a small nod "Good night little grey" and she walked back into the bounty.

Evie stayed on the deck, breathing in the cool air when obsidian popped his head over the railing in his miniature form.

"Hey there" she patted his head. "How was your day?"

He paused for a moment as if to think about it before he growled a couple of phrases. She didn't understand shit except for the fact that it wasn't a disgruntled growl.

"Hmm, that makes sense," she said.

She looked back in the direction of Kian's room. "Hey, do you mind going on a little trip."

He tilted his head as he gave her a confused growl.

"Great let me get Kian" she lifted her feet off the ground and flew to his room careful not to make any noise.

"Psst" she whispered as she nudged his side.

He waved her away as one might a fly.

"Kian wake up it's me" she nudged him again. He tried to shrug her off, but she grabbed his shoulder and shook him up.

"Wha-" "-Shhh" she looked over her shoulder to see that the ninja still haven't come back to their room. "Come on we are sneaking out for ice cream "she pulled him up by the arm.

"Okay I guess" he mumbled, still sleepy.

They made their way to the one and only ice cream shop in Ninjago city that is never closed.

"Greg, can you get us our usuals "Evie told Greg their usual server.

Greg worked the night shift and was the one that usually served on them.

"Coming right up," he said.

"How much do they get paid?" Kian asked.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know, if you want ask Greg" eve said. An old couple that was sitting across from them gave them a disapproving look.

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